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The Joke Game

Lazer Yoshi

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A pony walks into a bar. He goes up to bartender.

The bartender says, "Joe! Great to see ya! You want your Beer?"

Joe said, "No. Just a glass of cold water."

"What's up Joe? You always order some beer."

"There's been a problem."

The bartender looked confused. "What?"

"I feel a little hoarse."

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  • 2 months later...

what have you got when a lawyer is buried up to his neck in sand? insufficient sand.

what have you got when there are 10 lawyers buried up to their necks in sand? soccer practice

when you see a lawyer and a tax offical drowning and you can only save 1, what do you do? go to lunch or read the paper.

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That a version of a joke i heard befor just for older people.


here it is.

an englishman an irish man and a scots man are at a magic slide. whatever ther say on the way down they land in a load of. the englishman go's first and says "gold!". the scotsman jumps down and says "silver!" .because he was going down a slide the irishman says Weeee!


not as good as your version.

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What do you call 20,000 lawers at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start.


When you wish upon a shooting star, all your dreams can come true. Unless that shooting star is really a meteor hurtling twoards the earth and will destroy us all, then you're hosed no matter what you wished for. Unless you wished for death by meteor.

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