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my final sugestions for the site

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well im prety much leaving and here are my final suggestions.


[spoiler=sugestion number 1] a sports section thi will never be added but if it is i will stay here



[spoiler=suggestion number 2]mods need to be more harsh with telling new members the rules that way there wouldent be as many clueless members.


[spoiler= suggestion number 3]add better rarity effects to the card maker


i think tats all that hasnt been already said before.

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1: Meh, why not?


2: There's still gonna be clueless members =P

If the mods become harsher then members will complain and and through all the drama and pointless spamming will arise more clueless members.


3: The ones that currently exist are fine.

Be happy with what you have.

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I do not support any of your suggestions. They are all completely unneeded and in no way contribute to the site's overall improvement.

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I do not support any of your suggestions. They are all completely unneeded and in no way contribute to the site's overall improvement.


Suggestion 2 is the most idiotic of all. Just look at it.


If you would rather leave, Cardinal, then leave. Nobody cares, and we're certainly not going to accept your suggestions just to keep another idiot like you around.

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