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The Last Samurai

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This is pretty much my last effort to make Samurai Playable again. All advice welecome


Total: 42


Monsters: 20

Grandmaster x3

Zanji x3


Irou x2

Hand x2

Spirit x2

Great Shogun x2

Van'Dalgyon x2

Junk Synchron x2



Spells: 13

Book of Moon x3

Heavy Storm

Mystical Space Typhoon

Monster Reborn

Brain Control


Warrior Returning Alive x2

Six Samurai United x3


Traps: 9

Solem Judgment x3

Dark Bribe x3

Bottomless Trap Hole x2



Extra Deck: 15



Side Deck: 15 (8 Presently)

Light-imprisoning Mirror x2

Mind Crush


Threatning Roar x3

Lightning vortex

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Should drop a Yaichi for Plaguespreader; against most opponent's' date=' the latter will be more helpful.



hmmm not a bad idea. I suppose I dont have to worry about spells/traps to much with the solems and bribes. Ill try it out.


It needs another bottomless. Your biggest problem is going to be monsters so side the third bribe out for a third bottomless and just switch them randomly to see if it works.


I was thinking about a third bottomless when I built this, but I wasent sure what to neg. Ill try it out both ways to see which works better.

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