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Zombie deck (needs improving!)


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This is my current zombie deck. I'm new to zombie cards, so if any of you could give suggestions as to how I should improve this deck, they will be greatly appreciated. Spell and traps could be improved too, not just monsters... well here goes:


Vampire Genesis

Vampire Lord X2

Skull Servant X3

King of the Skull Servants X3

Pyramid Turtle X3


Ryu Kokki X2

D.D. Assailant

Man-Eater Bug

Wall of Illusion


Spirit Reaper


Torrential Tribute

Sakuretsu Armor X2

Dust Tornado

Bottomless Trap Hole

Trap Hole

Magic Cylinder

Call of the Haunted


Mystical Space Typhoon

Book of Life X2

Reasoning X2

Premature Burial


Heavy Storm

Hammer Shot

Call of the Mummy

Nobleman of Crossout

Lightning Vortex


Many of you might suggest binning the whole skull servant thing entirely, but I'm not going to do that; I love them too much! But any other suggestions this way please :)

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You need more Call of the Mummy's (well, one more Call of the Mummy), it really speeds up the deck. Put in more Ryu Kokkis and maybe 1 or 2 Despair from the Darks; you can get them out easily with either Call of the Mummy. You've already got a Man-Eater Bug, so the Newdoria is probably unnecessary. Having Fissure, Hammershot, and Lightning Vortex is overdoing it a bit. And since you'll be special summoning from the graveyard a lot, take out the Wall of Illusion and put in a Soul Absorbing Bone Tower and maybe some Card of Safe Returns. Also, it probably isn't very realistic, but getting an Il Blud would seriously boost any Zombie deck. I'd tell you that the the whole King of the Skull Servants thing is a bad idea, but you seem to have your heart set on them. Hope my advice is useful!

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well if you are to special summoning especiallly from the graveyard

you might want to try add:

3 soul absorbing bone tower

add 1 more book or life

3 Zombie Master

1 or 2 inferno reckless summon

add 1 or 2 Despair from the dark since Vampire Genesis needs his level to use his effect

try add some shallow grave

add some card of safe return

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  • 4 weeks later...

if you really like your king of skull servants, Sprirt of the pharaoh is really good, although he takes 3 other cards to get on the field, he works good in combo with them by special summoning 4 lvl 2 or lower monster on the field when he is special summoned, be careful tho becuase he can really weigh down your deck

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What abouth soul absorbing bone tower (soz about spelling if there is any wrong) with 2 of them you can't attack not one of them, then you can speical summon monsters and then take the top four cards of your opponents deck. a card like vampire lord with that should do the trick, make sure you have some life point cards though, that should be a super combo, mi sis used it and she beat me lol oh well. all ya need is to protect ya first one for a while and once your second one is on the field ya opponent is gonna be soon history.

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