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Those atk and def points alone are over powered.


I'd suggest looking at the Realistic Cards section and reading the tutorial on how to make realistic card effects, then come back here to read the tutorials on Monsters and how to balance their Atk and Def, i'll post links in a moment


http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=6614 <--- Link to Realistic Card effects

http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/showthread.php?tid=11696 <--- link to card levels and ATK/DEF ratings

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The only monsters to have over 5000 ATK are

Armitael, Phantasm of Chaos and Chimeratech Overdragon.

For a card to have this much ATK, it shhould be a fusion

similar to Chimeratech, except with Fiend or Zombie

monsters and a different effect. Something like this:


Fiend with Infinite Arms

Level 10



"A Level 7 or higher Fiend-Type" + "Any amount of Fiend-Type


This card can be Special Sumoned from your Fusion deck by

removing all Fiend-Type monsters in your Graveyard from play

(These are the Fusion-Material monsters for this card, and

this is treated as a Fusion Summon). If you do this, you lose

half of your Life Points. This card's ATK is 800x the amount

of Fiend-Type monsters used in this card's Fusion Sumon. When

this card destroys a monster in battle, inflict 100 damage to

your opponent for each Fiend-Type monster used in this card's

Fusion Sumon.

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