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eh WTH...Exodia is back!!! old school style

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not IRL since exodia is band where i live because of Nathen, but might use online

Deck: 40


1Exodia, the forbidden one

1left arm

1right arm

1left leg

1right leg

3renge, gatekeeper of dark world

3giant soldier of stone

3mistical elf

3charcoal impachi


2labrith wall

2des lacooda


2Archfiend Soldier


Spells: 6

3Heart of the Underdog

3magical mallet

Traps: 9

3solemn judgment

3threatening roar

3bottomless trap hole

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That is what I was implying' date=' which just makes it a hell of a lot more pro.



But I like to make unnecessary comments that refer to posts which imply the obvious. =(


You just doubled the pro!

For heart of teh underdogger zodias, use beatsticks like Genny.

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You're doing Underdog Exodia wrong.


This is how it should be done:


Monsters: 23


1x Exodia the Forbidden One

1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

3x Tri-Horned Dragon

3x Cosmo Queen

3x Archfiend Soldier

3x Vorse Raider

3x Mad Dog of Darkness

3x Gil Garth / La Linn / any Level 4 DARK Normal monster


Spells: 17


3x Heart of the Underdog

2x Veil of Darkness

2x Allure of Darkness

3x Trade-In

3x Hand Destruction

3x Reload

1x Monster Reborn


Reload is better in this type of Deck as it can be used in response to HotU's activation. If your uncomfortable with Reload, Swing of Memories or Upstart Goblin should suffice in its place.

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Hunh, I see the point is to use Heart for maximum draw power.


Drop the Lacoodas, I can't see you getting the successful Flip Summon off once, let alone multiple times, and they stall your Heart.

Replace Archfiends with Gene-Warped Warwolves.

Needs Pot of Avarice, and for tech, Skill Drain.


There are probably other fixes, but I'm not experienced enough to see them, unfortunately.

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id rather go deffencive then offensive for exodia since the whole point is to simply draw exodia for game


Stall Exodia is bad. If I recall correctly Tronta did it right but it was still average. Judge is better than you, do what he says.

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id rather go deffencive then offensive for exodia since the whole point is to simply draw exodia for game


If the aim is to draw Exodia then stall is stupid when drawing can be used. You should simply focus on drawing Exodia and once you draw it, you win. The build I posted here focuses on utilizing HotU and Veil of Darkness as well as the DARK Vanillas as a huge draw engine. Allure of Darkness, Trade-In and Hand Destruction give you the draw power to draw into HotU and Veil of Darkness which combined with the DARK Vanillas lead you to draw into Exodia.

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[quote='Judgment Dragon' pid='2278344' dateline='1243981453']

If the aim is to draw Exodia then stall is stupid when drawing can be used. You should simply focus on drawing Exodia and once you draw it, you win. The build I posted here focuses on utilizing HotU and Veil of Darkness as well as the DARK Vanillas as a huge draw engine. Allure of Darkness, Trade-In and Hand Destruction give you the draw power to draw into HotU and Veil of Darkness which combined with the DARK Vanillas lead you to draw into Exodia.

ya i get what u mean this is the first exodia deck ive made so im not very experience with this build, just went off this video for the deck
also missed took hand d for card d

des lacooda doesnt need to be sucessfully flipped summon for its effect to activate it just needs to be flipped face up
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