cacnea Posted June 2, 2009 Report Share Posted June 2, 2009 Digimon Adventure Reloaded Characters:1.Kiony, age 14, boy, Gabumon, Digivice colour blue2.Lee, age 11, boy, Patamon, Digivice colour green3.Brett, age 12, boy, Tentomon , Digivice colour orange4.Davis, age 13, boy, Salamon, Digivice colouryellow5.Marcus, age 15, boy, Agumon, Digivice colour red6.Joe, age 12, boy, Gomamon, Digivice colour Grey7.Yoshino, age 13, girl, Biyomon, Degivice colour pink8.Kanna, age 10, girl, Palmon, digivice colour is Violet Digital World"Hey everyone look at this!" Marcus said,"Cool, it's snowing!" yelled Lee,"But it's the middle of summer?" said Brett confused. As everyone came out they were all amazed by the snow, thhen before anything else could happen a blinding light came,"Where am I" asked Marcus dazily,"Hi Marcus" he heard a voice say, then as he turned his head he saw a giant orange lizard,"AHHHHHH, a giant lizard!" he yelled,"I'm not a lizard, I'm Agumon and I'm your digital partner!" Agumon yelled back,"What?" Marcus asked confused. Then Brett and Joe walked up,"I've got a Tentomon following me" said Brett,"And I've got a fish following me" Said Joe,"I've told my name is Gomamon" yelled Gomamon,"This guy thinks I'm a giant Lizard" Agumon told Gomamon."Well sorry agumon, but you look like a lizard" said Marcus,"So?" asked Agumon,"What you want to make somethin of it lizard" Marcus retorted,"So what if I do?" asked Agumon."Gabumon, Patamon, Salamon, Biyomon, Palmon," Agumon called out as everyone else came to the same spot,"We need to try and get back home" said Brett to the rest of the group as Marcus came down from a tree,"Well west there is mountains, east and south forest and north coastline" Marcus said after looking through his mini telescope,"Well the logical thing is to head north" Brett said matter of factly,"So do we all agree?" asked Marcus, everybody nodded there heads in response."Hey what's this violet thing?" asked Kanna,"I don't know" said Tentomon,"Hey I've got a green one" said Lee"I've got a blue one" said Kiony"I've got a grey one" said Joe"I've got a pink one" said Yoshino"I've got a orange one" said Brett"I've got a yellow one" said Davis"And I've got a red one" said Marcus,"Well we better start heading north" said Bret snapping everyone out of there thoughts. All of a sudden they herd a great crashing sound and from the trees came a giant digimon,"What's that?" Marcus yelled, Brett noticed his thing beeping when he looked at it a picture of the creature came up with information about,"It says it's called Cyclonemon, a champion dinosaur type virus digimon," Brett read out,"Everybody RUN!!" Kiony yelled but before they started to run Cyclonemon attacked,"HYPER HEAT!" Cyclonemon yelled as he shot fire from his mouth, then he knocked Kiony and Marcus to the ground and was about to crush them,"Kiony!" Gabumon yelled as he glowed white,"Marcus!" Agumon yelled as he glowed white..."Gabumon digivolve to...GARURUMON","Agumon digivolve to...GEOGREYMON","Garurumon, a champion beast type vaccine digimon, Geogreymon, a champion dinosaur type vaccine digimon" Brett read out. "Megaburst!" Geogreymon roared as a blast of energy shot from his mouth and hit Cyclonemon,"Wolf cry!" Garurumon growled as a sonic blast hit Cyclonemon, Cyclonemon roared in pain at bothe the attacks but when the smock cleared Cyclonemon was still there,"Arm Bomber!!" Cyclonemon roared as he threw a ball of fire frome his bigger arm,"Ahhhhhhh" Garurumon yelled,"Aaaaaahhh" Geogreymon roared, Marcus and Kiony started to stir,"Geo...grey..mon" Marcus forced out,"" Kiony forced out, as they both said there digimon's name's Geogreymon and Garurumon got up off the ground,"MEGAFLAME!!" Geogreymon roared, as he shot masses of flames from his mouth,"HOWLING BLASTER!!" Garurumon howled, as a blue blast of ice shot from his mouth, as both attacks hit Cyclonemon he burst into digital data,"Yeah!" evryone yelled with pleasure as Garurumon and Geogreymon turned back to Gabumon and Agumon.End of story 1 First Encounter, FUGAMON!"So are we heading north still?" asked Joe after walking for about half an hour,"Yes" replied Brett,"I think" he added,"What do you mean you think?!" yelled Marcus,"Well we don't have a compass, there's no north star and you cant see the sun" Brett replied, everybody groaned. "I'm Hungry" moaned Agumon to Marcus,"Yeah what are we going to eat?" asked Joe,"I'll sort that out" Gomamon replied proudly,"MARCHING FISHES!!" Gomamon yelled, and all of a sudden fish were throwing all sorts of food out of the river they were next to, Agumon started drooling at the sight of it,"This food is great" commented Yoshino, everybody wolfed down the food in no time at all,"Do you think people will be looking for us?" asked Kanna, after an awkward silence Marcus replied,"Of course they are" he said as a big smile occupied his face. After they finished eating the started to head what they thought was north again, Joe kept getting a feeling that they were being followed but he didn't want to bother anyone, they kept walking and walking for what seemed like forever, until they reached a beach,“So where can we go now?” asked Davis,“Well does any one have a boat?” asked Brett in reply, Joe got that feeling again that someone was watching them, everyone turned there heads round as they heard something crash through the trees,“Mwuhahahahhahahahaha, I’m Fugamon and I will destroy you for Master!” roared Fugamon, “EVIL HURRICANE!!” Fugamon yelled as a mini hurricane shot from his club and hit all the digidestined, when it hit Joe he was thrown in to the sea,“HELP…I CA…N’T…SWI…M!” Joe yelled as he was bobbing up and down in the water,“JOE!!” Gomamon yelled as he jumped into the water,“Gomamon digivolve to…DOLPHMON”,“Fugamon, a champion oni type virus digimon” Brett read out,“Dolphmon, a champion sea animal type vaccine digimon” Davis read out,“PULSE BLAST” Dolphmon said as a sound wave shot from his mouth,“AHHHHHHHHHHHH!” Fugamon yelled in pain,“PULSE BLAST” Dolphmon said again as another sound wave shot from his mouth, but it missed Fugamon this time,“HEAVY STICK!” Fugamon yelled as he whacked Dolphmon with his club,“DIVINE RAIN!” Dolphmon said as he shot a waterball along with rain from his mouth,“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I’m getting out of here” roared Fugamon as he fled; Dolphmon brought Joe back to the beach and then de-digivolved back to Gomamon,“That was amazing Gomamon,” Joe said,“Gee thanks” Gomamon said.End of story 2 Ecounter of the Feathered Kind!"It's to dangerous to stay out here" said Yoshino,"Well it's even more dangerous in there!" retorted Marcus,"Ok let's have a vote" said Brett,"Those for going into the forest?" he asked,"And those for staying here?" he asked, as marcus was the only one to raise his hand,"The majority have it, the forest it is" said Brett, so they started towards the forest. "I don't like this Agumon" said Marcus,"I like it" replied Agumon,"Grrrrrr" moaned Marcus, soon they were out of the forest and in a desert,"See, I knew we should've stayedat the beach" moaned Marcus,"Wait, theres some sort of building over there" said Yoshino, they headed towards the building. When they got there they realisedit was a diner, but when they went in no one was there. "At least it's cool in here" comented Joe, then they all heard an evil laugh coming from behind the counter. All of a sudden a giant bird jumped over the counter,"I'm Kokatorimon, and you'r today's special" said Kokatorimon,"Kokatorimon, a champion level data digimon" read out Brett, then to more smaller purple birds jumped over the counter,"Penguinmon, rookie level data bird digimon" Brett read out. "Frozen Fire Shot!" Kokatorimon screeched, as Marcus and Agumon were turned to stone,"Ice Prism" both Penguinmon said as they froze the door shut."Feather Sword!" Kokatorimon screeched as he attacked Yoshino,"YOSHINO!!" Biyomon yelled as she started to glow,"Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon" Birdramon said,"Birdramon, champion level, vaccine giant bird digimon" Brett read out,"Fire Flapping" Birdramon screeched, as flames blasted Kokatorimon through the door,"Ahhhh" both Penguinmon ran and hid, as everyone ran out the door Birdramon flew through the roof,"Meteor wing" Birdramon screeched again as meteors flew from Birdramon's wings, as they hit Kokatorimon, he burst into digital data. All of a sudden Birdramon turned back to Biyomon, Yoshino ran upto Biyomon,"Thank you Biyomon" Yoshino said as she hugged Biyomon,"It's alright" Biyomon replied.End of story 3 Attack of the Yanmas!"How much farther does this desert go on for?" Davis asked,"I don't know" said Brett,"About two days if we carry on at this speed" replied Tentomon,"Ohhhhhhh" everyone groaned,"Hey look water" shouted Gomamon as he ran to a lake, but when he jumped in it was just sand,"It's just sand" Gomamon said down-heartedly, as he pulled his head out of the sand,"It looks like there's something coming out of the sand, probably a mirage" Gomamon said,"Wait there is something coming out of the sand" said Tentomon so everyone looked at the sand a few meters away. So everybody rushed over and crawling out the sand were a load of little yellow worms."What are they?" asked Yoshino,"They look cute" said Kannna but as she bent down to pet one it hissed at her,"Maybe not" she said again,"Kunemon, rookie level virus larva digimon" said Brett. All the Kunemon started to glow,"They're digivolving" remarked Kanna, the Kunemon digivolved into yellow and grey insects,"Yanmamon, champion level virus insectoid digimon" Brett read out,"SandYanmamon, champion level virus insectoid digimon" Davis read out,"They look angry" Tentomon stated, then all the Yanmamon and SandYanmamon started chasing after them. Everybody ran as fast as they could until they came across a cave,"In here!" Marcus yelled as they dived into the cave all the Yanmamons and SandYanmamons flew past, everybody had a sigh of relief. After a few minutes they left the cave and started walking again,"I hate the desert!" exclaimed Joe,"Tell me about" added Gomamon,"Wait do you here that" said Kiony, as they all heard a buzzing noise, as they turned round they saw them the Yanmamons and SandYanmamons flying straight towards them,"Thunder Ray" the Yanmamons said as they shot electricity from there front claws,"Bottom Cutter" screeched the SandYanmamons as the started slashing at everyone,"No" Tentomon shouted,"Tentomon digivolve to...Kabuterimon" Kabuterimn said,"Kabuterimon, Champion level data, insectoid digimon" Brett read out,"Electro Shocker" Kabuterimon yelled as he electricuted the Yanmamon,"Now time for you, Electric Storm" Kabuterimon shouted as his hands glowed blue and he started shoot the SandYanmamon, soon all of them were data, then Kabuterimon glowed white and turned back to Tentomon as he fell to the ground, Brett ran and caught him,"Thanks Tentomom" he said.End of story 4 Delta Attacker, Armodillomon!"We're still in the desert!" Joe moaned,"And we've got no food, so we'll most likely starve" Brett pointed out,"I can't go on" wailed Kanna, as she fell to the sand. The sun was high in the sky,"I'll go to see if I can find food" Palmon said as she ran off, about twenty minutes later Palmon came back,"I've found help" she said happily, as a head popped out of the sand,"Armadillomon, rookie level data, mammal digimon" Brett read out. "Hello y'all" he said happily,"I can help get food if you want" he offered,"Yeah" everybody replied happily. So they followed Armodillomon for about an hour before the finaly stopped, and Armadillomon started digging, everyone stared in bemusement. The next thing they knew there were piles of fruit all around them, every fruit they imagined was there."Enjoy" Armadillomon said, everybody grabbed for as much as they could and ate as much as they could, "Where you lot going then?" asked Armadillomon, "We Don't know" replied Kanna,"That's strange to be going somewhere and not know where somewhere is" said Armadillomon."Wait can you here that" Palmon asked, and soon they all heard that roaring sound, then over a sand dune a giant dinosaur appeared,"Deltamon, Champion level virus, synthetic digimon" Brett read out,"Triplex Force" Deltamon roared as a beam of energy shot from his mouth and the two heads where his hands would be,"AHHHHHHHHH" Kanna screamed,"Kanna, Palmon digivolve to...Sunflowmon" Sunflowmon yelled,"Sunflowmon, Champion level data, vegetation digimon" Brett read out,"Smiley Binta" Sunflowmon yelled as the petals around her face shot out at Deltamon,"Serpent Bite" Deltamon roared as his machine head bit Sunflowmon,"Armadillomon digivolve to...Ankylomon" Ankylomon yelled,"Ankylomon, Champion level data, dinosaur digimon" Brett read out,"Knockout Beat" Ankylomon yelled as he slammed his feet on the ground, pillars of earth hit Deltamon causing him to let go of Sunflowmon,"Skull Fang" Deltamon roared as he tried to bite Ankylomon,"Sunshine Beam" Sunflowmon yelled as a beam of energy hit Deltamon he burst into digital data, Sunflowmon dedigivolved back into Palmon,"If you keep heading north you'll soon be out of this dessert" Ankylomon said,"Thank you" everyone replied.End of story 5 Icy Blast, Hyogamon!"Hey look it's snowing" said Lee happily,"Wow" remarked Kanna. Davis had a feeling they were being watched but he decided notto tell anyone,"Come on, Salamon let's go play with the others" Davis said. "Iceball Throw" roared Hyogamon as he threw snowballs at everyone,"Hyogamon, champion level virus, icy digimon" Brett read out,"You may have beaten me before but you're not beating me this time" he growled,"We've never seeen you before!" exclaimed Davis,"Rember Fugamon, Here I am" he growled again, it took everybody by shock. Davis ran foward as quickly as he could to punch Fugamon,"Snow Barrier" Hyogamon roared as a wall of ice came out of the ground and hit Davis,"Throwing Ice" he roared again as he threw icicles at every one,"You won't... WIN!!" Davis yelled,"Salamon Digivolve to... Mikemon" Mikemon then yelled,"Mikemon, Champion level data, beast digimon" Brett read out,"Come on lets dance Hyogamon" Mikemon teased, Hyogamon roared as he ran at Mikemon,"Metal Ball Punch" Mikemon yelled as his glove became metal and punched Hyogamon in the stomach,"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Hyogamon roared in pain,"Cat Claw" Mikemon yelled again as he clawed at Hyogamon's face,"Ice Cudgel" Hyogamon roared as he hit Mikemon with his club,"Mikemon" Davis yelled as Mikemon went flying through the air, but he sighed a sigh of relief as Mikemon landed on his feet,"Tackle Dash" Mikemon yelled as he ran swiftly and punched Hyogamon,"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" Hyogamon roared in pain,"I'm getting out of here" he said as he disappeared, Mikemon glowed as he changed back into Salamon, "That was great" Davis said as he ran upto Salamon.End of story 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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