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What's Your GPA? (Grade Point Average)

Crystal Beast 123

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4.1 I think?


It'd probably be higher if I was less lazy.

The highest is 4.0 >_> Anyway mine is 3.6 it would be higher, but I'm just too lazy. My IQ is somewhere aroung 155 according to an IQ test my grade had to take last year. When my teachers learned that my IQ was that high they get mad when they don't see me get A's. I thinks it's funny but A's and B's are good enough. :)

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My current GPA is about 3.3. My school uses a 7-point grading scale. Most schools use a 10-point grading scale. If I were to calculate my GPA using a 10-point grading scale, it would come out as a 3.6-3.8 or so. Also, I'm a junior. Junior year is usually when most people's GPA goes down the toilet. Last year, my GPA was about a 3.6. (About 3.8-4.0 on a 10-point grading scale).

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