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Suggestion: Increase human value by eliminating useless stickies

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Exactly what the title says. Many a person joins this site on a regular basis (337.18 and counting), and many a member makes idiotic posts or redundant posts, simply because they didn't read the rules.


Now of course there are people who will not read the rules simply because they think they're on par with Allah, Jesus, me :lol:, etc., but I'm sure there are people who don't read the stickies because there are simply too many of them, and quite frankly, we don't need that.


In many sections, there are stickies that are simply unnecessary. The vast number of stickies in a section is very off-putting to members who simply want to show the world their card or deck creations, and as such, those that are unimportant should be removed.


In the following paragraphs and such, I will point out with stickies in which sections are unnecessary and why they should be removed from the "important threads" section, but first I will explain how this will "increase human value".


The removal of many stickies will "increase human value" because with fewer stickies, members will be more inclined to read the rules of the board and such, and will therefore be better forumgoers in general.


But before I do so, let's get a relatively general definition of what a sticky should be. A sticky should be a topic that is extremely helpful to members in what they do in that forum. Rules are a must, and some sorts of guides pertaining to the subject, as well as something that will help the users better understand what's going on should be stickied threads (this includes a thread that answers an EXTREMELY common quesiton or questions).


Can we all agree on this? If not, post what you think sticky means, and I'll consider adding it to this post or altering my previous definition.


Anyways, without further ado, the list:


Realistic Cards:


-Set of the Week Voting: What about this thread do I need to know in order to post in these boards? This is a totally unnecessary sticky, and can be bumped to the top like every other thread if it feels like it should be on the first page.


The other three stickies are rules, and a place for suggestions to be made. I think these are legit stickies.


Finished Sets:


-Finished Sets Sticky Application: Sets do not need to be stickied. I understand that you want your set to be seen by everyone, but just bump it up to the top every 12 hours if you really must. It's not like people post incessantly in that forum as it is. The last post on the first page was made a week ago. I think you'll live. As such, this is not only an unnecessary sticky, but an unnecessary thread in general.


Pop Culture Cards:


-Marvel Legends Gallery: Dude worked hard on this. I'll admit it. And the work he's done is really good stuff, but there's no reason that a new user should be required to look at this (assuming all users should read the stickies before posting). Not to mention the fact that this thread has over 800 posts. I'm pretty sure it'll stay up at the top even without a bump every 12 hours. Unnecessary.


Any Other Cards:


-The Original Member Card Center: It's not needed, but I can see how people would be opposed to unstickying this. This is up to the mods' discretion.


-The Original Card Maker War: ... Are you kidding me? Howthaeff did this become a sticky. Not only is it an unneeded sticky, but BUNNIES VERSUS BUNNY KILLERS WTF.


-Any Other Cards Sticky Application Thread: See the one in Finished Sets.


Card Contests:


-YCM Contest Zone: Has upwards of 3k posts. You DON"T need a sticky. It also houses a grand total of zero rules. If a member does not want to participate in a huge contest, they shouldn't be reading this thread.


Every other sticky in this section not named the Rules.


Anime: I don't know the first thing about anime, so if anyone knows what stickies are unimportant, lemme know.




-The Union of Justice: Don't force me to read your story. Nuff sed.


-Transcending Caliginosity: Don't force me to read your story. Nuff sed.


-The Dark Side of His Heart: Whoa... Deja vu.


-Featured Fictional Works: Reviews are cool and all, but this is just like the other stickies in Any Other Cards and Finished Sets and whoa... Deja vu.


Frunk's Chronicle of YCM is too legit to quit, and although it is a story, can be helpful to newer members trying to learn about YCM's history.


Your Deck:


-Crystal Beast Synchro: WHY ARE YOU STICKIED. Although after reading JoC's announcement, I suppose it's okay, as there's a solid reason for it. Once again, mods' discretion.


-Citrus Tournament: Stickylolwut?


Graphics Design:


I don't know anything about this either, so let me know if you do.


Clubs & Organizations:


All of them except the rules.







Phew! That took a while...


Anyways, whaddaya say? Any supporters?

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Jerry' date=' I think stickies are used to value high-quality contributions to this site, like in case of the fanfics and sites. If they really bother you so much, don't read them. ;D


In other words, no support. Why fix what's not broken?



I understand that, but I still feel that they are unnecessary. If people view them as what they are - contributions of outstanding merit - then there's no reason why a vast majority of people won't read them.


Regardless, thanks for taking the time read through the suggestion Rinne :D

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I don't see much of a point in this. I'll admit, not everything deserves a sticky, but if they are contributing to the site, and stay popular with members, I see no reason why they shouldn't stay.


Even if rules are the only threads stickied, whose to say that people will read them even then?

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I don't see much of a point in this. I'll admit' date=' not everything deserves a sticky, but if they are contributing to the site, and stay popular with members, I see no reason why they shouldn't stay.


Even if rules are the only threads stickied, whose to say that people will read them even then?



No one, but at least it won't be cluttered with other non-rule topics that would make you even less likely to read them.


And if they're popular with members, there's no reason why they WON'T be constantly on the first page.

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Guest JoshIcy

Contact me on AIM/MSN about CC for now please...

I wanna discuss with you it. As most stickies has a purpose besides gloating.


But above all else, The Original Card Maker War; STAYS.

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First I would like to say that everything Hunter said is absolutly 100% true. I would also like to add that If a new person can't tell what a thread that's stickied is for by the title, EX. Rules for rules obviously or "Set of the Week Voting" in realistic as voting for a set for a week, then they shouldn't be able to be here in the first place. I'm not trying to put anyone down I'm just pointing out that stickies are not just for rules, they can be for announments and or featuring the best work in that specific section, or trying to help other members become better. I would also Like to add that stickying something that is good quality work, like "Set of the Week Voting" could and should be helping newer members become better just by observing the things that are in the thread and things that shouldn't.


P.S. I hope I haven't offended you in anyway this is just my personal opinion, Although I truley belive in what I have just said.

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P.S. I hope I haven't offended you in anyway this is just my personal opinion' date=' Although I truley belive in what I have just said.



Of course not, and thanks for your input. Icy and I have discussed it, and I certainly see his opinion, which is the opinion that everyone has seemed to follow so far, so I'm not offended or anything.

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Again, your post has that feeling of debate experience, but i still feel that you lost something. You never explained how removing those threads from where they were stationed would "increase human value." i believe that to be an irrelevant idea to this thread and something we dont need to achieve here on a forum.


Your idea seems valid at the core, but you are again missing something about what we sticky here. We dont only sticky the necessities, the rules and guidelines, but we also sticky ideas that can help make the forum better for other members. Specifically for those members you said we would be benefiting by removing those same stickies.


The following is a direct disagreement with several of the stickies you have disagreed with:




Realistic Cards:


-Set of the Week Voting: What about this thread do I need to know in order to post in these boards? This is a totally unnecessary sticky, and can be bumped to the top like every other thread if it feels like it should be on the first page.


This thread was created with the intention to be viewed by new members, so it was stickied on purpose. However, the creator has since left it be, and i would agree that it should be removed since it is only attracting spam. i agree with the removal, but not for your reason.


The other three stickies are rules, and a place for suggestions to be made. I think these are legit stickies.


Finished Sets:


-Finished Sets Sticky Application: Sets do not need to be stickied. I understand that you want your set to be seen by everyone, but just bump it up to the top every 12 hours if you really must. It's not like people post incessantly in that forum as it is. The last post on the first page was made a week ago. I think you'll live. As such, this is not only an unnecessary sticky, but an unnecessary thread in general.


I agree with this, it is unnecessary.


Pop Culture Cards:


-Marvel Legends Gallery: Dude worked hard on this. I'll admit it. And the work he's done is really good stuff, but there's no reason that a new user should be required to look at this (assuming all users should read the stickies before posting). Not to mention the fact that this thread has over 800 posts. I'm pretty sure it'll stay up at the top even without a bump every 12 hours. Unnecessary.


Again, i would agree.


Any Other Cards:


-The Original Member Card Center: It's not needed, but I can see how people would be opposed to unstickying this. This is up to the mods' discretion.


Agree with other reasons...


-The Original Card Maker War: ... Are you kidding me? Howthaeff did this become a sticky. Not only is it an unneeded sticky, but BUNNIES VERSUS BUNNY KILLERS WTF.


Still agreeing up to this point.


-Any Other Cards Sticky Application Thread: See the one in Finished Sets.


Yep, still with ya.


Card Contests:


-YCM Contest Zone: Has upwards of 3k posts. You DON"T need a sticky. It also houses a grand total of zero rules. If a member does not want to participate in a huge contest, they shouldn't be reading this thread.


Here is where i start to lose your ideas again. This is one large contest page, where several members compete all the time. You said it yourself, it has 3000 posts. That means it shouldnt have to fight amongst the other, lesser contests on that page and deserves a sticky since it is benefiting a lot of members at the same time. That is the purpose of the sticky.


Every other sticky in this section not named the Rules.


Anime: I don't know the first thing about anime, so if anyone knows what stickies are unimportant, lemme know.




-The Union of Justice: Don't force me to read your story. Nuff sed.


-Transcending Caliginosity: Don't force me to read your story. Nuff sed.


-The Dark Side of His Heart: Whoa... Deja vu.


-Featured Fictional Works: Reviews are cool and all, but this is just like the other stickies in Any Other Cards and Finished Sets and whoa... Deja vu.


This goes for the 4 suggestions above this, since they are all the same idea. Regardless that one of the sticky removals is to remove one thread of mine, i would still disagree with your post. Here is the reason: There are several threads there in fan fic that are lackluster. as blunt as this post is, it is entirely true. One reason that it was set up this way was to allow, not force, other members like yourself to see what a good fan fic looks like, how it should be written, and how you should model yours after if you want to be successful. We arent forcing you to read any thread at all, hence how you started this rant with the "People dont read most of these" idea in the first few paragraphs. The point to remove them is invalid, by your reasoning.


Frunk's Chronicle of YCM is too legit to quit, and although it is a story, can be helpful to newer members trying to learn about YCM's history.


correct, keep that sticky.


Your Deck:


-Crystal Beast Synchro: WHY ARE YOU STICKIED. Although after reading JoC's announcement, I suppose it's okay, as there's a solid reason for it. Once again, mods' discretion.


-Citrus Tournament: Stickylolwut?


You destroyed your own argument with the reasoning of JoC's announcement.


Graphics Design:


I don't know anything about this either, so let me know if you do.


Clubs & Organizations:


All of them except the rules.





Read the above for reasons of not supporting this mass movement. Some of them deserve to be unstickied, but for the most part, no. I do not support this.

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