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Gravekeeper Monarchs - They rape Blackwings


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( 19 )

3 Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 Raiza the Storm Monarch


3 Gravekeeper's Commandant

3 Gravekeeper's Spy

2 Gravekeeper's Guard

2 Gravekeeper's Assailant

1 Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier

1 Plaguespreader Zombie

1 Spirit Reaper

1 Sangan


( 10 )

3 Book of Moon

2 Necrovalley

2 Allure of Darkness

1 Brain Control

1 Monster Reborn

1 Heavy Storm


( 11 )

3 Solemn Judgment

2 Deck Devastation Virus

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Mind Crush

1 Trap Dustshoot

1 Mirror Force

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Am I missing something? Only Blackwing hate that I see are the 2 necrovalleys...


Mind Crush...Trap Dustshoot...stuff like that...Blackwings hate it if you didn't know that. They play black whirlwind get their kaluts and then you mind crush. They reckless. You trapdustshoot. They scream at you.

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Am I missing something? Only Blackwing hate that I see are the 2 necrovalleys...


Mind Crush...Trap Dustshoot...stuff like that...Blackwings hate it if you didn't know that. They play black whirlwind get their kaluts and then you mind crush. They reckless. You trapdustshoot. They scream at you.





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Am I missing something? Only Blackwing hate that I see are the 2 necrovalleys...


Mind Crush...Trap Dustshoot...stuff like that...Blackwings hate it if you didn't know that. They play black whirlwind get their kaluts and then you mind crush. They reckless. You trapdustshoot. They scream at you.






With 2 DDV and 2 Necrovalley, you shouldn't be getting DDV off too often.


In my opinion, it needs much more draw power. (yours seems like it shouldn't have any more than the one I'm running)


I fear that making it decently fast would sacrifice the nature of the deck (thinking plasma, malicious, d draw, LaDD, trade in and perhaps a grinder golem), but it would become much faster.

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LaDD is a cool idea actually' date=' more negation FTW. Allure gives some draw power, and Spies give searchability which compensates for lack of draw power. Don't forget, Caius is also a DDV target.



It adds some compensation for lack of draw power; but basically if you don't draw spy in three turns, it's generally GG. (you probably could live another two or so without spy with your build)


I'm aware, and it would be unfortunate to drop a Plasma for DDV.


Problem is that it needs the Malicious for tribute power to get out Plasma or LaDD.


I think DDV would lose it's efficiency if that sort of engine was put into it.

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