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Final Destination RP (Accepting now by Pm or post) Now started PG-13

Mrs. SHINee <3

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The title says it all

The number of characters you can have is 4

I will make deaths design so if you want to die a certain way PM me

Also in this Rp you die your done but you come back in the end for the grand finale






Appearence:(Pic or discreption i don't care)








Personality:Funny.Silly.Crazy.The party girl.The drunk girl.



[spoiler=OneWord]Name: Jared Adams

Age: 19

Appearence: [spoiler=Appearence]l_68b8f7dd5eba1fa78b1a076a3905fe5d.jpg


Bio: Jared never did get along with many people, but he has found friends in his college, though they aren't always easy to be around.

Personality: Loner, but fun to be around if you can get used to his sarcasm.



[spoiler=DemonX]Name: Saruto Desa

Age: 18


Bio: Saruto does not fear death

Personality: He is caring and shy


[spoiler=.:Lawliet:.]Name: Kent

Age: 17

Appearence: [spoiler=Here]xqdkdu.jpg


Bio: NO!

Personality: Fun-loving, hard-headed, intelligent.




[spoiler=Makotushin]Name: Shadow

Age: 17


Personality: Friendly,Kind, Helpful


[spoiler=Andrew Baker]Name: Andrew Baker

Age: 17

Appearence:(Pic or discreption i don't care) [spoiler=Click Here]anime_guy_2.jpg


Bio:(Optional) Sorry but no thanks I'm not good at them.

Personality: Kind, Cool, Understanding, Loyal, Dislikes fighting but will fight hard for friends.


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Name: Rjoury bosa

Age: 14

Appearence:(Pic or discreption i don't care) [spoiler=me] animebadguy.jpg


Bio:(Optional) He was hated and despised by his parents and finally went off the edge and killed them. He went crazy and hates everything. He's thought of killing himself but decided to make people miserable instead.

Personality: He is hatefull and will help nobody. If anybody tries to help him then he'll take over the whole thing unless it's absoluetly necessary.


what is the plot?

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Well congrats for finding the pic

And Anime-Manga Lover the plot is everyone is driving in their cars and stuff then boom my person has a vision that everyone will die so i save a few people then one by one death kills them in gruesome ways and its up to my character and the others to stop death before it kills everyone see its a really scary plot and even more scarier deaths really gruesome deaths

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