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You have been sent a email saying that you are invited to the Fusion Duels Tournament(FDT), that have Fusion Duels, duels where you can turn into your monsters. Will you accept?








Favorite Synchro Monster(Doesn't have to be):


Duel Disk:



[spoiler=My Form]

Name: Valon Tora

Age: 16

Appearance: Valon2.jpg

Deck: Turbo Armor

Favorite Synchro Monster(Doesn't have to be):Turbo Armor Dragon

Bio: He accepted the email to restore his status as duelist, because he lost to one of the best, due to his opponent cheating

Duel Disk: YubelDiskII.jpg



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Name: Gemin

Age: 17

Appearance:Fair Skin, Black smooth hair,Black jacket and pants, white under shirt.

Deck: Reanimation, old and new

Favorite Synchro Monster(Doesn't have to be): Doomkaiser Dragon

Bio: Gemin Love dueling, and if he wasn't the best, he would work as hard as he could until he was. This tourney said to him "Prove you're the best..." so he accepted.

Duel Disk:52bxnqd.png

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