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Felix Culpa

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Wring Your Nex

A OneWord Shop

Welcome, shoppers to the new generation experience. Please feel free to browse the different aisles and if you need any help, just ask one of our employees.

We are currently OPEN for your orders

We are currently OPEN


[spoiler=Aisle 1 - Pokemon Goods][spoiler=Pokemon Splices]Arinx.pngWybi.png


[b]Base Pokemon:[/b]
[b]Added Pokemon:[/b]

Cost: 1 pt

[spoiler=Pokemon Recolor]MetalKoffing.jpg



Cost: 1 pt

[spoiler=Custom Trainer Sprites]PokemonTrainer2.pngPokemonTrainer.png


[b]Hair Color:[/b]
[b]Hair Style:[/b]
[b]Clothing Syle:[/b]

cost: 3 pts



[spoiler=Aisle 2 - Signatures][spoiler=Sigs]



[b]Background Colors:[/b]

Cost: 3 pt



Feel free to order at any time, seeing as I will probably be on GIMP or PS doing something anyway!

If the order isn't given to you within two weeks of your order, your order will be completely free along with your next one!


[spoiler=Help Wanted]

HELP! We need some YCMers who are talented at rendering, card edits, making packs, or something else to private message me, so you can have a job, too! Help us, please! ♫ OneWord ♫


Current Employee List

1. OneWord - Pokemon Splices, Pokemon Recolors, Custom Trainer Sprites, Moderate Banner

2. Imsokoolerthanu - Banner

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