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fake yu-gi-oh cards duel tournament

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this is my fake yu-gi-oh tournament. thaks to supreeme gamemaster yddisac for the idea.




give a number, from 1 through 40, to each card in your deck. When it's your first turn, go here: http://www.eposic.org/rpg/drtg.html, and set the number of columns to 5, rows to 1, and sides on the die to 40. Correspond each result to a number you assigned to a card in your deck. Those cards are your opening hand. For turns after that, do the same thing, but set the number of columns to 1. If you roll the same number twice (I highly recommend keeping track of what cards you've already drawn), roll again until you get a number you haven't gotten yet.

After you draw, conduct your turn. Simply post a description of every action you make. You can make it as straightforward or as role-playish as you like. However, you must post every action. If you don't post an action, it will never have happened. You must also post images of all cards involved in that turn that your opponent could see.


E.G. my gigagagagigo (ATK:???) attacks your elementsaurus (DEF:???)

(immage of gigagagagigo) (immage of elementsaurus)













there will be 8 entrants, I will be a judge so 8 other forum users can duel.



1. no cheating

2. no "miraculously and conveniently drawing the right card at the appropriate time" nonsense that they do on the T.V. show.

3. the dueling will start when there is all 8 players in the game.

4. you start with 4000 life points.

5. if you say a card is stronger than any card it is, I will PERSONALLY report you.




winner: 5+reps

2nd place finalists: +3 reps

3rd-4th place duellists: +1 rep.

ANY CHEATERS: as much as I can -rep you

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I will enter with the same set I use on SGY one but there are a few thinks:

1. You can only give out 6 reps in one contest so please chance that.


2. no "miraculously and conveniently drawing the right card at the appropriate time" nonsense that they do on the T.V. show.
This can happen in the real game to it happend me twice in a row in a computer game (Drawing the right card with a chance from 1/28). So you should look on how he playes.

3. Don't -rep cheaters more tan once they maybe didn't know it was wrong or will rep you - back many times.

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YOU: sorry.

YOU: I meant as in "suddenly drawing the best card combo from your deck"

YOU: assign all your cards a number to all your cards in your deck, go to the link, set the statistics to what I said, send me a message with your deck in it and that is how you get to join. also post that you want to join so I can add you.

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Guest King of Games

i tried the link you gave. i got an error.(Uh-Oh! is what the website said)


figured it out. anyone else get the error click on RPG and then dice roll generator

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Guest King of Games

he checks all decks before contest starts


when your dueling. post every move you make and images of fake cards.

at the end of your turn, summarize what you have(LP, Monster zone, S/t zone, hand, etc)

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Ok. but wwhat's the limit of real cards, i mean, if there going to be real cards there should be a limit of which ones and how many real cards, i mean that at least 30 of oyur cards should be custom, or somethnig like it i think 0.o'


i got antohet question, is this a single duel for each match, or a noraml 3 duel match?



and one suggestuion also, why dont you(the judge) do the dice roll?

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Guest King of Games

i only make god cards' date=' and stuff like the alike, if i entered, i would most likly win, in an unfair way (as in i have the three god cards) so ill be fair, and wont enter



it'd be better if you didnt post in the first place. That's considered spam its great that you're not entering, but we dont need to know


Shouldn't this be locked until Kingblahblah is unbanned?


he was banned?

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