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*Roxas walks up to the college*

Roxas: Hmmmm, so this is the harder to get into than Harvard college. Doesn't look as nice as Harvard. But I hear it's twice as hard to get into.

*Cell rumbles in pocket*

Roxas: Hmmm?

*Picks up cell*

Roxas: Hello?

????: Have you found the college yet?

Roxas: As a matter of fact, I'm standing in front of it right now. Why did you call!? You know, "you know who" could be tracking this call.

????: I know...So you sure you want to

Roxas: Yes!!!! I'm positive, nobody can see you walking around here.

????: Alright, good luck, call when your ready to be picked up.

Roxas: OK. Talk to you latter.

????: BYE.

*Both hang up* *Roxas puts cell back in pocket*


(Thanks for accepting me)

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Roxas: Hmph, he won't let me do a thing by myself.

Hmmm, misewell go in.

*Roxas walks into the college*

*Roxas walks around in the hallways*

*In Roxas's mind* Hmm Strange, nobody is here. Well maybe if I keep walking around I will find someone who knows the boss here.

*Back out of his head*

*Roxas is walking around hallways*

*Roxas turns around the corner and continues to walk*

*Roxas walks into Seth*

Roxas: I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. I was just thinking, and boom I walk into you.

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