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Ryan heard the knock at the door, he walked over to see who it was, Opening the door to look at seth, Ryan decided that he was his new dorm mate, and invited him inside.


Ryan explained to him. " I'm going out but, make your self at home. "


Ryan patted him on the shoulder and walked down to julietta's room.

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Leon : Looks like everyones taking long so lets go now and they'll catch up later

(Leon walks to the beach)

Leon : Ahhh the sweet sweet beach air, time to surf!

(Leon gets his surfboard and starts to surf)

Leon : I haven't had this much fun in years!

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" Stupid school, to hand out information about other students, For all they know you could be some pedo wanting to have rape some one. " Ryan said, laughing abit to my self.


Julietta than ran up behind ryan, and kissed him on his neck than sat on his lap.


( Julietta is ryans girl friend. )

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