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Plz lock.


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Ryan made it to the end of the stairs, Than letting julietta get back onto the ground. Julietta looked up at ryan, giving him a playfull slap.


Ryan said with a fake hurt face on. " Owww, that hurt. " Making a sad face.


Julietta smirked and said " Grow up yaah big baby " Giving him a kiss, than dragging him to the front of her dorm.

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Julietta dropping her bad on the ground, making a bottle hitting against another bottle sound.

Ryan whisper into her ear, " please dear god tell me thats rum, or beer "


Julietta looked at him playfully, " It's both " Giving him another kiss, pushing the bag into the room, than closing the door behind them locking it. So the dorm adviser don't see him in there.

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After julietta and ryan, Finsihed about half there supply of beer and rum. Julietta pinned ryan up against a wall and started to kiss him on the neck.


Ryan mutterd to her. " Can we not do this in the dorm. " he said nervously to her.


Julietta replyed to him. " we can just be quiet. " , She said giggling to him.

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Julietta having ryan pinned up against the door, he hears the dog running down the hall, Julietta at this point already has his shirt off.


Ryan whisperd into her ear. " 1 second go wait on the bed " he said winking to her,


Julietta sighed and said playfully " I swear, 1 time we will have sex on the floor. " She said giggly going to the bed.


Ryan opened the door to see whats going on in the hall seeing the dog.

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