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counter garden

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17| Monsters


2| Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

2| Kuraz the Light Monarch


3| Lonefire Blossom

1| Dandylion

1| Mystic Tomato

1| Sangan

2| Summoner Monk

3| Bountiful Artemis

1| Botanical Lion

1| Rose, Warrior of Revenge

1| Nettles


11| Spells


2| Black Garden

1| Terraforming

2| Fragrance Storm

2| The World Tree

1| Miracle Fertilizer

1| Mystical Space Typhoon

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm


13| Traps


1| Crush Card Virus

3| Solemn Judgment

3| Pollinosis

2| Dark Bribe

2| Divine Wrath

2| Drastic Drop Off


15| Extra Deck



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