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The Ridiculous Competition (Deck Contest)

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I'll make this brief. Make a good deck that makes efficient use of this card in a way that most/all other cards can't:


[spoiler=Key Card of the Contest]MokeyMokeyDR2-EN-C-UE.jpg




Of course, the deck has to be Advanced Format-legal.


Winner gets 3 reps. Good Luck!









You were all probably expecting something worse, right?

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I'll give it a shot.


Monsters: 20

|3| Mokey Mokey

|3| Nova Summoner

|3| Shining Angel

|3| Zeradias, Herald of Heaven

|3| Honest

|3| The Light-Hex Sealead Fusion

|1| Airknight Parshath

|1| Neo-Parshath


Spells: 11

|3| Mokey Mokey Smackdown!

|1| Mst

|1| Heavy

|1| Robert

|3| Sanctuary in the Sky

|1| Terraforming

|1| Pot Avarice


Traps: 9

|3| Beckoning Light

|3| Roar

|3| Girl Roar




Extra Deck:

|3| Mokey Mokey King

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Monsters: 19

1x Chaos Sorcerer


3x Mokey Mokey

3x The Light - Hex-Sealed Fusion

3x Shining Angel

3x Honest

1x Sangan

3x Junk Synchron

1x Breaker the Magical Warrior

1x Card Trooper


Spells: 16

2x Allure of Darkness

1x Reinforcements of the Army

2x Foolish Burial

1x Card of Safe Return

3x The Magical Fitting Room

1x Heavy Storm

3x Inferno Reckless Summon

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

3x Mokey Mokey Smackdown


Traps: 3

3x Solemn Judgement


Extra Deck: 15

2x Stardust Dragon

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

1x Junk Warrior

1x Goyo Guardian

1x Gaia Knight, Force of the Earth

2x Armory Arm

3x Mokey Mokey King

3x Dark Strike Fighter

1x Black Rose Dragon


Side Deck: 15

1x The Calculator

1x Spirit Reaper


1x Smashing Ground

2x Twister

3x Prohibition

2x Book of Moon

2x Deck Lock-Down

1x Creature Swap


2x Threatening Roar


[spoiler=Hand Book]

Get around 1 or 2 Mokey Mokeys in the grave, and revive them, Inferno Reckless Summon them, then get out a Light Hex, get Mokey Mokey King.

Key Cards:


Mokey Mokey - For Summon of King


Mokey Mokey King - Once your opponent swarmed with their monsters, attack with Mokey Mokey King, whilst smackdown is on the field, swarm with 3000 attack mokeys.


Mokey Mokey Smackdown - See above


Honest - The ability to beat anything


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Nice entry' date=' you're in.


can i just copy .net and add tethys?


ROFLMAOOLCOPTER! I was going to say to ask .net, but it looks like we have his response.



Oops I forgot to put 3 Mokey Mokey Kings up there.


Go ahead and edit it.

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deck modding is pro.



Monsters: 21

|3| Mokey Mokey

|3| Nova Summoner

|2| Shining Angel

|3| Zeradias, Herald of Heaven

|3| Honest

|2| The Light-Hex Sealead Fusion

|3| Tethys

|2| Airknight Parshath

|1| Hecatrice


Spells: 14

|2| Mokey Mokey Smackdown!

|1| Trunade

|1| Heavy

|1| Robert

|2| Sanctuary in the Sky

|1| Terraforming

|3| Valhalla

|1| Polymerization

|1| Future Fusion


Traps: 5

|2| Beckoning Light

|3| Roar




Extra Deck:

Generic +

|3| Mokey Mokey King




poly works well with beckoning light.

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