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Correct Grammar


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I need help with the wording of this cards effect.


Here is what I came up with, and i need it revised.


"Once per turn, during each players' respective Standby Phase, flip 1 face-down card on that player's side of the field face-up. If you cannot, your opponent chooses one card from your hand, and looks at it."



Thanks in advance

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Revised Edition: "Once per turn, during each players' respective Standby Phase, flip 1 face-down card on that player's side of the field face-up. If you cannot, your opponent's selects one card. Reveal the selected card.


Revised Edition #2: "Once per turn, during each players' respective Standby Phase, flip 1 face-down card on that player's side of the field face-up. If you cannot, you must reveal 1 card from your hand to your opponent.


The second one sounds a bit better.

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