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OK, it can be anything along these lines-


Junk Warrior,

Gaia Force of Earth,

Dark Magican,

Armed Dragons(If you do, include LVL 7/10 or all of 'em)

Winged Kuribroh,

Time Wizzard,

Blastroise AND CHarizard, um...

Black DRagon Archfeind AND Stardust Dragon,

Stardust on it's own,

Blastroise on it's own,

CHarizard on it's own, umm.... that's all i can think of.

SIG adn AVATAR!!! Pay-100-200 points, possibly even go up to 300.

ANyone can do it, i might pay for more than 1.

NOTE:If i like it, but the text or whatnot i don't, i may ask you to change that.

Anyone? Raising pay 2 400 MAX..

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Choose a topic. and make it, and then i'll ask for text, maybe, maybe not.

So i don't NEED text. Cleared it up a bit, and i don't have any pictures, sorry.

And for the yugioh ones, don't include the cards, just the monster pics...

you know what, raising pay to 500 MAX

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I'll make something. Give me a more detailed description and I'll get it done ASAP. ^_^



Okay, actually, do this-

An Armed Dragon LVL 10, with text-


Dragon Master,


and another idea-

Lucario pic-

Kaisu (Blue or Black Text)


Both sigs~

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