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Complete Ancient Harpie Set


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These are the Harpie additions i have made in order to aid in the basic "Harpie" Deck

Still for these cards to work notice that there can be up to 20 "Harpie Lady" monsters in your deck at any one time. Please Rate thank you.



This card can not be normal summoned or set. This monster can not be special summoned except by removing 5 "Harpie Lady" monsters from your hand and feild from play. This monster accumulates effects for each "Harpie Lady" monster on the feild. -1 "Harpie Lady" monster, Increase this monsters attack by 1000. -2 "Harpie Lady" monsters, This card can not be targeted by magic or trap cards. -3 "Harpie Lady" Monsters, This card is uneffected by your opponets monster effects. -4 "Harpie Lady" monsters, when this monster is destroyed by a monster effect that you controll draw 7 cards. -5 "Harpie Lady" monsters, This monster must attack all monster on your opponets side of the feild. When this monster destroys 2 or more monsters during one battle phase, skip your next draw phase.

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