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Trap deck

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3x marauding captain

x2 d.d. warrior lady

x1 d.d. warrior

x1 d.d. assailant

x1 exiled force

x2 masked dragon

x2 princess of tsurugi

x1 caius the shadow monarch

x1 medusa worm

x1 morphing jar

x1 spirit reaper

x1 old vindictive magician

x1 penguin soldier



x1 lightning vortex

x1 smashing ground



x1 trap hole

x1 legacy of yatagarasu

x1 torrential tribute

x1 no entry

x1 karma cut

x2 divine wrath

x2 miniaturize

x2 scrap iron scarecrow

x3 bottomless trap hole

x3 sakuretsu armor

x1 remote revenge

x2 waboku

x2 threatening roar

x2 magic jammer

x2 magical arm shield

x2 spellbinding circle

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