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inferal icinerator deck

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The deck is based around my favourite card, inferal incinerator, but it has more tricks as well. Some of the cards might be banned now, idk but I use them anyway, RATE PLZ. (or at least comment)




my champion, Inferal Incinerator

Mosaic Manticore

Psychic Lifetrancer

Psychic Snail

Mad Archfiend

Tribe-infecting virus

Rose, Warrior Of Revenge

Obxinus Celtic Guardian

Dream Clown

Witch of the black forest

warrior lady of the wasteland

Mask of Darkness

Spirit Reaper

Miracle Flipper

Wall of Ivy X2

Magician of faith

Mind Master

Psychic Jumper



Monster Reborn

Magical Stone Excavation

Snatch Steal



Heavy Storm

Dark Hole

Premature Burial

Mystical Space Typhoon

Ribbon of Rebirth


Change of Heart

Pot of Greed

Cold wave

Tribute to the doomed


Magic Jammer

Remote Revenge

Trap Hole

Graceful Revival

Raigeki Break

Battle Mania (deadly when I have Inferal out or have used miracle flipper, wall of Ivy etc, or both)

Bottomless Trap Hole

Royal Decree (keeps inferal safe)

Xing Zhen Hu

Torrential Tribute


Call of the haunted (deadly when combined with Battle Mania after miracle flippers or wall of Ivy's effect)

Dust Tornado


As you might have noticed I have many cards that cancel others or protect monsters or revive them, THEY ARE ALL MADE FOR INFERAL INCINERATOR. Magical stone Excavation, Magician Of Faith, and mask of Darkness exist so I can get back Call of the haunted and Monster reborn


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No such card as infernal incinerator.

Also illegal.



I'm holding it right now' date=' maybe you spelled it wrong? 2800ATK 1800 DEF

i n f e r n a l i n c i n e r a t o r[hr']



Hey I;m not playing in tournaments or anything, my friends use call of the haunted too

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