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[72]Shoppe 72 {Sigs|Member Cards|Avatars|Animation|PLUS 100% Custom Images}[/72]


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[align=center]More stuff coming soon. Welcome to my new shop, we currently sell member cards, sigs and avys. We are currently hiring and hope to expand our selection. If you are an experienced sig maker feel free to apply, but be warned, we have high standards.










Render or stock:


Background stock:



Matching avy:

Avatar Text:


Avatar Dimensions:


Cost- 0-3 points. Pay ZenQued.



[spoiler=Avatars and Animations]


The above example was cut from a sig. Avatars cut from sigs are free and should be ordered on the sig form. However, if you want a custom avatar (I haven't made any so far), or an animated avatar, there is a different form.

Custom avatar form



Render or stock:





Cost-0-5 points. Pay ZenQued.




Animated Avatars are different from custom avatars. They will be made in flash with photoshop. Ones using actual images will be of lower quality due to export problems. Ones drawn by me will have to be simple drawings since I don't draw very well. I reserve the right to deny any request for these avatars that I cannot complete.


Animated Avatar Form




Preferred length of animation.


Specific images to be used:


Dimensions[use 50x50 if you want it to be an emote]:


Cost- simple ones that are just images spliced together are 5 points. Hand drawn ones are 10.



[spoiler=Member Cards]







Number of Stars:

Best Known For:

Month You Joined:

Favorite Section:



Text Color:

Background color:

Font [if it is not a normal font, a download link must be provided]:


[spoiler=Smeg's Custom Images]Jurassic makes these all from scratch, I personally recommend them, they're supah awesome.





Yu-Gi-Oh card type:

Yu-Gi-Oh Attribute:

Colours (Optional):

Type of Background (E.g. Space, Medieval etc):


Details: (As in scales, shape etc. Also optional, I can improvise):

I only take one order at a time, so if there is two people ordering at the same time, the second one will take a lot longer.

Cost: 50-100pts depending on difficulty.

I have the right to reject any order, remember these are hand made and can take many hours to make.

Pay to Smeg




1. No stealing/ripping. Ripping is highly frowned upon, people who rip my stuff get -5 reps.

2. Wait your turn and don't bother me. If it takes me more than 3 days to do your order, it will be free. Animations are an exception, you may have to wait up to a week.

3. All YCM rules apply.



[spoiler=Apply for a job]



Example of item:

Form for item:


Enjoy the shop. Possibly coming soon: member buttons.[/align]

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Application, I'm thinking of selling my custom images.


Name: Jurassic

Item: Custom Images (All custom, by that, I mean I make the whole image.

Example: You saw that robot one didn't you?



[b]Yu-Gi-Oh card type:[/b]
[b]Yu-Gi-Oh Attribute:[/b]
[b]Colours (Optional):[/b]
[b]Type of Background (E.g. Space, Medieval etc):[/b]
[b]Cost: 50-100pts depending on difficulty.[/b]
I have the right to reject any order, remember these are hand made and can take many hours to make.

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Oh and:

Add these two:

[b]Details: (As in scales, shape etc. Also optional, I can improvise):[/b]

I only take one order at a time, so if there is two people ordering at the same time, the second one will take a lot longer.





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Catman, I appreciate your patronage but it's hard for me to come up with inspiration, hence the shop. I would appreciate it if you provided a render.


Teen Gohan-

Sorry the text sux so bad



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Smeg 100% Custom Image

Name: Elemental Hero Sattelite

Yu-Gi-Oh card type: Machine

Yu-Gi-Oh Attribute: Light

Colours (Optional): Spacey colour scheme, lots of "robotic" style colours.

Type of Background (E.g. Space, Medieval etc): Space

Other: Remember, it's an Elemental Hero so it has to be "Humanoid".

Details: (As in scales, shape etc. Also optional, I can improvise): Improvise.

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Smeg 100% Custom Image

Name: Elemental Hero Sattelite

Yu-Gi-Oh card type: Machine

Yu-Gi-Oh Attribute: Light

Colours (Optional): Spacey colour scheme' date=' lots of "robotic" style colours.

Type of Background (E.g. Space, Medieval etc): Space

Other: Remember, it's an Elemental Hero so it has to be "Humanoid".

Details: (As in scales, shape etc. Also optional, I can improvise): Improvise.



On to it, should be done within a few days.

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Thank you.


EDIT: How much would it cost? You said it could be anything from 50 to 100 points...


Once I'm done I'll say. Speaking of which it will have to be delayed for another few days, sorry.

I have been busy lately. D:

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