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Gravekeeper Reboot

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A friend of mine resparked this old deck type, and being I used to run one way back, I thought I would rebuild.




Gorz the Emissary of Darkness

The End of Anubis

Gravekeeper's Chief

Gravekeeper's Commandant

Gravekeeper's Guard *3

Gravekeeper's Assailant *2

Gravekeeper's Spy *2

Gravekeeper's Curse

Gravekeeper's Spear Soldier

Gravekeeper's Watcher

An Owl of Luck

A Cat of Ill Omen

Night Assailant Old Vindictive Magician *2

Dimension Fortress Weapon



Necrovalley *2

Royal Tribute *2

Tribute to the Doomed

Mage Power

Axe of Despair

Allure of Darkness

Mystical Space Typhoon


Field Barrier



Rite of Spirit *2

Magician's Circle

Spellbinding Circle

Sakuretsu Armor

Mirror of Oaths

Divine Wrath

Rainbow Life

Negate Attack

Seven Tools of the Bandit

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Deck Devastation Virus.


With End of Anubis (run 2-3)' date=' Gorz, and Chief (which you should run 3), you'll have enough to absolutely abuse DDV.



Chief isn't that important, but each Gravekeeper(with Necrovalley) is another target for DDV.


Assailant works, Commandant works and Chief works.


Rest don't get above 2k.

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