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Casual deck - Zomburn [DMU]

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Monsters: 18


Clown Zombie x3

Pharaoh's Servant x3

Pharaonic Protector x3

Despair from the Dark x3

Il Blud x2

Plaguespreader Zombie

Reshef the Dark Being x3


Spells: 19


Advanced Ritual Art

Book of Life x3

Card of Safe Return

Everlasting Underworld Cannon x3

Final Ritual of the Ancients

Mass Driver x3

Messenger of Peace x3 - combos with Zombie Skull Archfiend

Monster Reborn

Trade-In x3


Traps: 3


Limit Reverse x3


Extra Deck: 15


Black Rose Dragon

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Dark-End Dragon

Doomkaiser Dragon x2

Goyo Guardian

Red Dragon Archfiend

Revived King Ha Des x2

Stardust Dragon x3

Zombie Skull Archfiend x3

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Basically, with Skull Archfiend and Messanger of Peace, I become immune to almost everything less PWWB and other returning cards comboed with other stuff.


once I have that combo out, I Special Summon monsters and use them in whatever way I can do damage, burn or battle. Using Reshef I can even pull my opponent's monsters over to my side of the field and tribute them off for Mass Driver. I wouldn't mind allures and CCV in here but I need to make room..

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