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Rise Of the MEAL!! (Nearly finished)


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I have made a new deck: Rise of the Meal! It is a food-themed swarm+field control deck. Comments would be appreciated. Here is the decklist:


Rise of the Meal (41)


Monsters (22)





Poppadom x1

Hungry Burger x1



Perfect Ice Cream x1

Spicy Burger x2

Small Fries x3

Huge Fries x2

Pepsi Can x1

Popcorn Chicken x1

Popcorn Chicken – Mega Tub x2

Mini Meal x2

Salt Drainer x1

Pepperoni Pizza of Doom x1

Blazing Burger x1

Ice Cream Cone x1

Living Dessert x2


Spells (11)


Naan Wrap – Fire Spice x2

Resurrection Meatball – Mixed Spice x1

Hamburger Recipe x1

Thick Soup – Soapy Spice x1

Chicken Tikka – Barbeque Spice x1

Milkshake Maker x2

Scapegoat x1

Twin Milkshakes x1


Traps (8)


Speed Spell Recombiner x1

Ring of Onion x1

Energetic Chef x1

Spice Grinder x1

Deep Fry x2

Tango Can x2


PS. Sorry that the pics are rubbish. Its hard to find stick people made of chips! I will give 1 rep to anyone that can find me a good pic for my cards.

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