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Gyakuten Kenji (Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth)

Amethyst Phoenix

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Capcom is awesome. They're releasing Gyakuten Kenji in North America and Europe this winter.



It's essentially a spinoff of the Phoenix Wright series, except we get to play as everyone's favorite prosecuter: Miles Edgeworth. Yes, we get to play as Edgey! *fanboy squeal*


It's going to be more of an adventure game than the previous games. You'll actually control his movement, and the investigation segments play a much bigger role. Gumshoe will be Edgeworth's sidekick (similar to the role Maya played in the original trilogy) which is also win.


Here's a link to one of the news pages. Currently, it's the 2nd article on the page if you scroll down.



Discuss the epicness coming this winter ^_^

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