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Counter Fairies

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I like their concept.


Counter Fairies (40)


Monsters (14)


3x Bountiful Artemis

1x Dark Voltanis

3x Harvest Angel of Wisdom

3x Meltiel, Sage of the Sky

3x Van'Dalgyon the Dark Dragon Lord

1x Voltanis the Adjucator


Spells (8)


2x Ancient Leaf

2x Book of Moon

3x The Sanctuary in the Sky

1x Monster Reborn


Traps (18)


3x Black Horn of Heaven

3x Divine Wrath

3x Drastic Drop Off

1x Hero's Rule 2

1x Horn of Heaven

1x Judgment of Anubis

3x Magic Drain

3x Seven Tools of the Bandit


Extra Deck (15)


1x Armory Arm

2x Black Rose Dragon

1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

1x Colossal Fighter

1x Dark Strike Fighter

1x Gladiator Beast Gyzarus

1x Goyo Guardian

2x Light End Dragon

1x Magical Android

1x Red Dragon Archfiend

2x Stardust Dragon

1x Thought Ruler Archfiend


Side Deck (0)

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I can tell you... you use some random number of the following cards

Monsters: Splendid Venus, Airknight Parshath, Hysteric Fairy, Dunames Dark Witch, 3 shine balls, Athena, Zeradias herald of heavens, Tethys goddess of light, Kaiser Sea Horse, Dark Valkyria, Dancing Fairies, Agent of Force-Mars, Agent of Wisdom-Mercury, Agent of Creation-Venus, Agent of Judgement-Saturn

Spells and traps: 9 staples and Sanctuary in the sky


PM me to tell me how bad i did or if you want some combos i came up for with this

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the first step is to ignore everything wiiam just said.

that was almost all terribad advice.


agents, vanillas, and sanctuary cards have no place in a counterfairy deck.

neither does airknight or kaiser.

the only good suggestion was tethys, athena, and venus.


what he did say right was

the 9 staples to a counterfairy deck.

3 solemn

3 bribe

3 wrath


thats where you begin.

if you want /any/ other countertraps

they should either be drastic dropoff or forced back.

horn of miss the timing is terrible.

so is seven tools and magic jammer.

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Okay, the original reply was Tronta using my computer.


Though the reply is true, I would have given reasons.


1: I don't see 3x Dark Bribe or 3x Solemn Judgment.


2: Horn of miss the timing is retarded


3: Seven tools is girl Dark Bribe, so just run Dark Bribe


4: You need more monsters. If you haven't tested this deck yet, let me tell you how this will go: You will draw a hand of 3 Countertraps, a Spell, and Dark Voltanis. And guess what happens? You lose.


Find a new deck to run because Counter Fairies are just plain bad.

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