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This is my Z-deck. It's based around REZD, PotCD, and Z-world. It has a budget of $50 (american) because I don't have the bolded and I have everything else. It is a beatdown deck


2x Red-eyes zombie dragon

2x Il bud

2x Ryu Kokki

2X goku-en

3x Zombie master

3x Pyramid turtle

2x paladin of the cursed dragon

2x (LV4 monster with 1700+ ATK) Regenerating mummy????

2x goblin zombie

1x mezuki

1x morphing jar


3x Zombie world

3x Book of life

2x terraforming

1x Card of safe return

1x heavy storm

1x MST

1x brain control


3x bottomless

3x threatning roar

1x mirror force

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