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Gold Eyes Silver Dragon


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Depending on what you use to tribute summon it the card 'Great Maji Garzett' (Great Maju Garzett is Lv6 so you can only tribute 1 monster) can have more origianal attack points than that card. This is beacause Great Maju Garzetts attack points become double the origianal attack points of the monster you used to tribute summon it. E.g if tributed a blue eyes to summon then it would get 6000 origianal attack points since blue eyes has 3000.


Note: Great Maju Garzet always has 0 ORIGIANAL defence points.

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i am sorry your pic is great but you must lower the ATK to 1500 and lower the stars to 10 and the effect should be:


*This cards ATK and DEF points get doubled if you discard one card from our hand. Also This card's type is treated as you like you can only use this effect once per turn.*


im sorry again but it is overpowered.

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