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The Sherrifs In Town


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Monsters: 21

3x Athena

3x Ancient Gear Gadjetrillon Dragon

1x Chaos Sorcerer


3x Cloudian - Cirrostratus

3x Cloudian - Acid Cloud

3x Cloudian - Altus

2x Summoner Monk

1x Sangan

2x Zeradias, Herald of Heaven


Spells: 16

1x Monster Reborn

1x Brain Control

3x Burden of the Mighty

3x Valhallia, Hall of the Fallen

3x Geartown

1x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x The Sanctuary in the Sky

3x Cloudian Squall


Traps: 1

1x Torrential Tribute


Will be In real life, once I sell my PkMn cards.

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Nobody's gonna comment because nobody knows the right way to run Cloudians D= (except Kirby' date=' so wait for him to show up).


The Geartown idea is nice though.




I've run the usual version of clouds for around 2 years now.

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