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1st Attempt at making Anime Yugioh Cards

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This is my first shot at making Anime cards:


Here's 2 of my showcase works. I know they're not perfect, but I'm still a newbie to doing this:


htvk85.png Dark Synchro

2lmmjvs.png Ritual Monster


I know the monster/stats are mixed, but I was experimenting with them. DO NOT flame me on that.


The template is MINE!


(If I get better, I'll sell you my template(a newer one)

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There are' date=' ugh. Not good



They may not be, but don't just say that. That's noobish.


You can't make these on paint, sry. It just won't work. It ruins things. Just get GIMP. You can make semi-good stuff on it, with this stuf..

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