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Yu-Gi-Oh Spirits Intertwined (a Tag Team RP)(Started) no longer accepting

Grim the Wanderer

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Max: Thank you.......for helping me win.

I activate Lord of the Sword:

When 2 of this Card is sent from the field to the Graveyard by a Monster's Effect and your Opponent declares a direct attack, you discard the rest of your hand and take 1000 points of damage to destroy everything on your opponent's side of the Field, and by paying another 2000 Life Points, you can Summon 1 "Swordgirl Empress" ignoring the Summoning Conditions. By paying 500 Life Points, this Card is not effected by Spells Traps, or Monster's Effects when Activated.

I do take 3500 points of damage but it's all worth it.

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kari: i activate Mecha Counter Attack. when you declair a direct attack i can special summon a mechagirl that has a lower ATK then the original ATK attacking monster and the attacking monster attacks her. I summon Aello, the Mechagirl Hawk, now your Empress attacks Aello, and any monster that attacks Aello has it's ATK halved before damage calculation.

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