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Yu-Gi-Oh Spirits Intertwined (a Tag Team RP)(Started) no longer accepting

Grim the Wanderer

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Every card has a spirit. some spirits reveal themselves to those that can see them, while some choose to remain hidden.


Kaiba Corp. is holding a large Tag team tournament. there will be many Competitors from all over the would. some will be invited while others have to earn their right to participate by winning a local tournament.


you and your partner are entering the preliminaries in hope to gain entrance to the main tournament.






location(team members must be from the same region):

Bio(must be at least three sentences):




[spoiler=my form]

Name: Kari

Age: 16

Deck: Mechagirl Assault

Region: US

Appearance: long black hair, dark eyes,

Bio: One of Max's best friends, and master of the Mechagirl style. She loves to duel, and rarely refuses a challenge. Her parents died in an unexplained accident, and she now lives on her own.




For people who can't find a partner, I will make a character to be their partner.

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Name: Max Kail

Age: 16


appearance(optional): [spoiler=Pix]anime_0520.jpg


location(team members must be from the same region):US

Bio(must be at least three sentences): She has a kind personality, even though she's alone in the world. In her life, her friends are before her own life. Kari is her partner.

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Name: Rjoury Bosa

Age: 15

Deck(s): Assorted Fury

Appearance: Appearence: animebadguy.jpg

Location: US

Bio: I was abandoned by my parents and was taken to an orphanage. My anger and fury started to build when I was old enough to find out what happened. Everybody lied to me to make me feel better; it didn't work, it just made me madder. I was adopted at the age of 10 and was abused. I got my 1st deck, and psychick abilities, at 13. I used a Trap Card and killed my fake dad. Now, at the age of 15, I roam the globe, dueling, killing, and winning at any cost.

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Meh, I will see if I have time for this.


Name: Yokubou

Age: 18

Deck(s): Psychic Mind Chaos






location(team members must be from the same region): Italy

Bio(must be at least three sentences): A strong willed person from a line of great power in his country of Italy. Spoiled in many ways including in his vast knowledge as he wants to dig into the minds of people. Sometimes he seems to be chaotic in his speech, but he wants to obtain greater understanding. Not around many people this is why he wants to achieve his goals. Finally he applies his knowledge to simple tasks even to the card game he plays.

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Name: Daisuke

Age: 16

Deck(s): Holy Cross

appearance(optional): Blonde, Long hair, Yellow Bright eyes. Uses a Large red coat.

location(team members must be from the same region): Canada >_>...

Bio(must be at least three sentences): Daisuke was raised in a normal rural town. He is energetic and loyal to the people he knows. He is very shy to strangers, and usually likes to keep things between himself and his tag duel parner. He is a very strategic duelist, who likes to play with inteligence and faith. His deck represents his love for the Sign of the cross, Eventhogh he doesnt believe in any religions, and do not believe in Gods of any kind

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Name: Zarkus Syuren

Age: 20

Deck(s): Union of the Azure Trio, The Terror of Death, Infection

Cards used will be here:


appearance(optional): http://i44.tinypic.com/vmvyvs.jpg

location(team members must be from the same region): Canada

Bio(must be at least three sentences): In stark contrast to his partner, Daisuke, Zarkus is a loudmouth, even to total strangers. He never quits no matter how bad he's losing. Holding a strong sense of honor, he will never cheat in a duel no matter what the stakes are.

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Name: jinsei

Age: 14

Deck(s): Garden of Eden






location(team members must be from the same region): Germany

Bio(must be at least three sentences): A young girl who loves to garden and take care of plants. She was raised on a small farm in the country side of Northern Germany. On her families farm she tends to her small garden of several different colors and edible plants of all sorts. Not used to change around her, but she will adapt to whatever situation she is in.

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Name: Daisuke

Age: 16

Deck(s): Holy Cross

appearance(optional): Blonde' date=' Long hair, Yellow Bright eyes. Uses a Large red coat.

location(team members must be from the same region): Canada >_>...

Bio(must be at least three sentences): Daisuke was raised in a normal rural town. He is energetic and loyal to the people he knows. He is very shy to strangers, and usually likes to keep things between himself and his tag duel parner. He is a very strategic duelist, who likes to play with inteligence and faith. His deck represents his love for the Sign of the cross, Eventhogh he doesnt believe in any religions, and do not believe in Gods of any kind


if i change my place to canada then will you be my partner?

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