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Exodia Revolution


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3 Deep Diver

3 Emissary of the Afterlife

2 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive

1 Exodios, the Ultimate Forbidden God

1 Exodia the Forbidden One

1 Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1 Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1 Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1 Right Leg of the Forbidden One

1 Sangan


3 Upstart Goblin

2 Archfiend's Oath

2 Convulsion of Nature

2 Dark World Dealings

2 Nightmare's Steelcage

2 Monster Reincarnation

1 Card Trader

1 Level Limit - Area B

1 Messenger of Peace

1 Swords of Revealing Light

1 Different Dimension Capsule


3 Good Goblin Housekeeping

2 Reckless Greed

1 Appropriate

1 Backup Soldier

1 Gravity Bind


(When your me, you are play testing and crafting decks for the heck of it)

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I been working on this exodia deck on Game King for the past *Checks Watch* 9 Hours (Although I couldn't fully test it on Game King since their are some cards not in their yet so I play tested against several decks used by my sister.)


The deck struggles against Monarchs {Raiza and Mobius anyway} along with Demise.


Duels can take 5x longer against people who insist on using those "When a card should go to the graveyard, remove it instead" decks which I end up winning {good old stall}.


It can handle aggro decks surprisingly.


Its trounced by cookie cutters {No surprise their since all decks are at the mercy of cookie cutters, except other cookie cutters}



Size: 43


Tribute Monsters:

1x Satallite Cannon



3x Deep Diver

3x Emissary of the Afterlife

1x Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

1x Marshmallon

1x Spirit Reaper

1x Sangan

1x Exodius, the Ultimate Sealed God

1x Exoida the Forbidden One

1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One



3x Upstart Goblin

2x Dark World Dealings

2x Nightmare's Steelcage

2x Pain of the Almighty

2x Yami

1x Card Trader

1x Messenger of Peace

1x Level Limit Area-B

1x Clock Tower Prison

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Pot of Avarice



2x Good Goblin Housekeeping

2x Self-Destruct Button

2x Reckless Greed

1x Backup Soldier

1x Gravity Bind

1x Torrential Tribute


I finally found a use for the big guy (Exodius). Play 2x Pain of the Almighty, play him and return all your creatures back to the deck and attack and destroy a monster with 1900 or less ATK, then if you feel a tad weak against the opponent I recommend playing a Messenger of Peace or Nightmare's Steelcage to stop your opponent from attacking next couple of turns or just Yami to make this guy stronger, if you went with one of the spells when it becomes your turn and you can attack go ahead and attack with Exodius so long as the opponent doesn't have a monster with 3700 or more attack, eventually your opponent is going to be screwed since you got a increasing ATK power Foolish Burial that with some support is going to end up with this:



4000 + (2000-2400 against lv10 higher bonus thanks to pain + 200 thanks to Yami) which means nothing with the ATK power of at best 6500 can beat this guy, true this is very situational but when your drawing your deck out and your stalling you might as well have a big yet fragile beater then no beater at all


(Yes theirs satellite cannon as another beater but then hes more a can't touch once you get him above 3000 ATK and you got at least 1x Pain out.)


Also yes I know the opponent could have easiley just Magic Cylinder the big guy but... I would auto win since when I declare a attack with him I place a piece in and his other effect goes off with 5 pieces in the grave making me the winner before I get hit by Magic Cylinder.

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Its possible but that means some side boarding on Exodius as both conflict with each other.




A possible SB build:

3x Rush Recklessly (Either Incarnation)

3x Axe of Despair (For either Incarnation of Exodia)

2x Megamorph (Either Incarnation)

2x Contract with Exodia (For Necross)

2x Exodia Necross (Aggro match up)

1x Card Destruction (Quicker Necross)

1x Card Trooper (Quicker Necross)


Which might become the main build since my brother is seeing many technical problems in the deck since it can sit back but needs more offense support (Hes not comfortable with stall decks, hes more aggro/burn person)

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[align=center]Guards of the Forbidden


Tribute Monsters:

1x Satallite Cannon



3x Deep Diver

2x Emissary of the Afterlife

2x Exodius, the Ultimate Sealed God

2x Exodia Necross

1x Exoida the Forbidden One

1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One

1x Sangan

1x Card Trooper



3x Nightmare's Steelcage

3x Axe of Despair

3x Dark World Dealings

2x Pain of the Almighty

2x Yami

2x Contract with Exodia

2x Rush Recklessly

2x Magical Mallet

1x Card Destruction



2x Sakuretsu

2x Self-[/i]Destruct Button

2x Dimensional Imprisonment

1x Torrential Tribute[/align]

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