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Dragons .VS. Robots set (NOT DONE PLZ COMMENT)


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's ok:

-Blue armored Dragon is awesome, pretty good balance as far as cards go. Containment is waaaaaay too overpowered. Like, kill the monster and deal damage to the your LP equal to the monster's ATK or something.

-Skybreaker is good but the ritual needs a grammer check.

-Robot #1 is cool , but decrease the ATK by aboiut 200. It'll also be better as a common. Where that Robot Rampage is considered, cool but make the bonus smaller.

-I like the fairy picture, but say "This is card is also treated as a fairy-Type" in the card effect instead of putting Fairy-machine where the type goes. And its effect is quiet balanced.


Keep it up! :D

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you really need to improve your grammer if you want to be good. as for the cards there are many grammar mistakes and effects aren't that properly written but if you improve those you will be good. as for the ritual card you should have explained what is requried like how many cards to be tributed. i will give you a 7/10.

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