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Spell Counter cards; Please take a look

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Cards that collect Spell Counters. Enjoy.


Magical Archer


Level: 4


When this card is Normal Summoned, place 1 Spell Counter on it (max. 1) During your Main Phase, you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card. If you do, this card can attack your opponent directly this turn. In that case, any battle damage they take is halved.

ATK/ 1800

DEF/ 200


Accumulative Sorcerer


Level: 2


When this card is sent to the Graveyard to Synchro Summon a Synchro monster, place 2 Spell Counters on a card(s) you control.

ATK/ 700

DEF/ 600


Magical Slasher


Level: 4


When this card is Normal Summoned, place 1 Spell Counter on it (max. 1) When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can remove 1 Spell Counter from this card to have it attack once again in a row.

ATK/ 1600

DEF/ 1200


Magical Crusher


Level: 4


When this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, select 1 card you control with Spell Counters on it and inflict damage to your opponent equal to the number of Spell Counters on it x200. If it has 9 or more Spell Counters on it, the damage becomes 1600 points. This card cannot attack ing your next turn if you activate this effect.

ATK/ 1800

DEF/ 200


Dreadscythe Sorcerer


Level: 8


1 Spellcaster-type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Spellcaster-type monsters

When this card is Synchro Summoned, place Spell Counters on this card equal to half those on its Synchro-Material Monsters. It gains 200 ATK for each Spell Counter on it. Once per turn, if this card destroys a monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, you can remove up to 2 Spell Counters from a card you control to destory that many monsters your opponent controls.

ATK/ 2800

DEF/ 2600


Spell Gate

Normal Spell

Reveal 1 Spellcaster-type monster from your hand. Remove Spell Counters from your side of the field equal to the number of tributes required to Normal Summon it. You can Normal Summon it without Tributing this turn.


Spell Grasp Saber

Equip Spell

Equip only to a Level 6 or higher Spellcaster-type monster. Each time a Spell card is activated, put 1 Spell Counter on this card. The equipped monster gains 1000 ATK for each Spell Counter on this card. During the End Phase, destroy this card. When this card is destroyed, take 1000 damage for each Spell Counter that was on this card.


Counter Rejuvination

Quickplay Spell

Remove up to 4 Spell Counters from a monster you control. You gain 1000 Life Points for each Spell Counter removed by this effect


Collective Force

Normal Spell

Remove 4 Spell Counters from a card you control. Draw 2 cards.


Spell Grasp Barrier

Counter Trap

Activate only while you control a Level 6 or higher Spellcaster-type monster by sending 1 Spell card from your hand to the Graveyard. Negate 1 attack and end the current battle Phase. Then, place 1 spell Counter on the monster you control for each Attack Position monster your opponent controls.


Power of the Citadel

Normal Trap

Pay 2000 Life Points. Place Spell Counters on a "Magical Citadel of Endymion" equal to the number of monsters on the field.


More to come.

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Spell Gate

"Reveal 1 Spellcaster-type monster from your hand."


Damnit. Sorry 'bout that. I'll fix it.


Spell Grasp Saber

The effect isn't too powerful' date=' don't bother with the spell discard, it makes it to weak.[/quote']




Spell Grasp Barrier

I like the high level spellcaster support' date=' also "each Attack Position monster your opponent control[b']s[/b]"


Again, damnit.


Sorry' date=' I missed your sets before, glad I got around to them, have you seen mine? Not many people seem to.



Sorry, I'm afraid I haven't. But I certainly will now.

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Counter rejuvenation seems a little UP, actually. I'm not sure why but -1 for 1000+, and that's only per spell counter, which you could probably used for something more match-controling, I don't know how you'd make it more useful.


Dreadscythe Sorcerer, again maybe a tiny bit UP. Skipping your Draw Phase can be a really big thing, since not only is it -1 hand size next turn but it doesn't let you get to new options, considering some cards (Breaker, Magical Marionette and especially Arcanite Magician) can use spell counters to destroy card(s) and because you have to destroy a monster first, you can probably get rid of the skip the draw phase bit without making it OP at all.

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Counter rejuvenation seems a little UP' date=' actually. I'm not sure why but -1 for 1000+, and that's only per spell counter, which you could probably used for something more match-controling, I don't know how you'd make it more useful.



I do. Simply remove Spell Counters from a monster, but don't kill it off e.g.


Counter Rejuvination

Quick Play Spell Card

Remove up to 4 Spell Counters from a monster you control. You gain 1000 Life Points for each Spell Counter removed by this effect.


Griffin is right in the respect that you could use the Spell Counters for more game-controlling purposes, but at the very least, you get a free 1000 LP.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Accumulative Sorcerer is a better option than most Spellcaster Tuners out there; when I build Endymion, I usually use Arcane Apprentice because I run Assault Mode, but I'd run Accumulative over him.


Not too fond of the Breaker-ish ones though.

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