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Nice cards I found.

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Vampire Genesis: Never liked this card. You REMOVE the Vampire Lord to summon it, and it's Nomi to boot, thereby ruining part of your Zombie Deck, and as for the effect . . . during all the times I tried to run this card, I never could use its effect ONCE. Also, nowadays, Zombie Master and Il Blud trump this guy's effect twenty times over.


Caius the Shadow Monarch: My favorite Monarch card, and a staple of my former Fiend Beatdown Deck. Need I say more?


Infernal Flame Emperor: I would run this guy the way they did in the Anime -- as 'Soul of Fire' fodder. The removal effect is trite (I WANT my FIRE monsters, most notably my Volcanic cards, to STAY in my Graveyard where they BELONG), as the payoff is less than stellar.


Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon: I enjoyed using this card occasionally, but it doesn't have any real place in a deck OTHER than a deck that runs Red-Eyes ragged, something which a lot of people (myself excluded) highly disapprove of.


Darkblaze Dragon: I'd run him as Synchro Fodder (him + a Lv1 Tuner [sinister Sprocket or Turbo Warrior, to list two examples, or Mind Master] = Level 8 Synchro = Stardust, etc.), but not for his actual effects -- UFO Turtle searching for him to Synchro is much more feasible.


Endymion, the Master Magician: A novel card, but best used ONLY in a Spellcaster Deck. That said, this card enjoys Magical Blast very, very much because it can be added to the hand instead of drawing (guaranteeing a Spell Card every turn), and is best run with his companion Field Spell (in fact, most Spell Counter abusing Spellcaster Decks would love the field spell on its own, as would Earthbound Immortal decks due to the fact that it can save itself). It should also be noted that the companion Field Spell can very readily acquire 6 Spell Counters, and if it isn't you're either running it wrong or using WAY too many Spell Counters from it.


Felgrand Dragon: Only good when you plan the deck around revival. That said, I actually know someone in real life who rapes other Decks with it by bringing it back with, of all things, The Creator, on a regular basis. So it's actually wholly dependant on whether you can actually run enough revival for it to make a significant difference (and can run the Tribute decrease cards to make Tributing first a moot point).

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The pics?


Vampire is plain ugly.

Caius holds a ball of shadows, which is win.

Infernal is plain ugly.

Red-Eyes is cool.

Darkblaze is also cool.

Endymion is another Dark Magician wannabe, altough he does it better than Dark Magician.

Felgrand has epic art.

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Vampire Genesis: Never liked this card. You REMOVE the Vampire Lord to summon it' date=' and it's Nomi to boot, thereby ruining part of your Zombie Deck, and as for the effect . . . during all the times I [i']tried[/i] to run this card, I never could use its effect ONCE. Also, nowadays, Zombie Master and Il Blud trump this guy's effect twenty times over.


Caius the Shadow Monarch: My favorite Monarch card, and a staple of my former Fiend Beatdown Deck. Need I say more?


Infernal Flame Emperor: I would run this guy the way they did in the Anime -- as 'Soul of Fire' fodder. The removal effect is trite (I WANT my FIRE monsters, most notably my Volcanic cards, to STAY in my Graveyard where they BELONG), as the payoff is less than stellar.


Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon: I enjoyed using this card occasionally, but it doesn't have any real place in a deck OTHER than a deck that runs Red-Eyes ragged, something which a lot of people (myself excluded) highly disapprove of.


Darkblaze Dragon: I'd run him as Synchro Fodder (him + a Lv1 Tuner [sinister Sprocket or Turbo Warrior, to list two examples, or Mind Master] = Level 8 Synchro = Stardust, etc.), but not for his actual effects -- UFO Turtle searching for him to Synchro is much more feasible.


Endymion, the Master Magician: A novel card, but best used ONLY in a Spellcaster Deck. That said, this card enjoys Magical Blast very, very much because it can be added to the hand instead of drawing (guaranteeing a Spell Card every turn), and is best run with his companion Field Spell (in fact, most Spell Counter abusing Spellcaster Decks would love the field spell on its own, as would Earthbound Immortal decks due to the fact that it can save itself). It should also be noted that the companion Field Spell can very readily acquire 6 Spell Counters, and if it isn't you're either running it wrong or using WAY too many Spell Counters from it.


Felgrand Dragon: Only good when you plan the deck around revival. That said, I actually know someone in real life who rapes other Decks with it by bringing it back with, of all things, The Creator, on a regular basis. So it's actually wholly dependant on whether you can actually run enough revival for it to make a significant difference (and can run the Tribute decrease cards to make Tributing first a moot point).


Baroque does not suck at this game.

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Well I'm sorry if this post has some extreme typing errors...(computer has gone crazy, the text box is closed to a sliver, entire page is lifted up a up and meses up were I see the buttons, and it's getting more trippy) anyway Endymion is amazing and so is Cius...everything else is bad...

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Structr decks themelves fail' date=' but some of the cards they contain are great, I bought some just for some of the cards they had, the rest went strait as trade-bait (oh and if you like Simorg why in't he on the list?)



The Spellcaster wasn't so bad; I raped a GB deck with it, somehow...


And, no, he wasn't doing it wrong: I was dueling Benraino.

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