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Yu-Gi-Oh! Children of the Phantom [MAJOR HAITUS!]

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Sorry for all of my 'fans', but this version of my fan-fic is done due to the "No Script Format" in fan-fics, SO I am writing a novel version of the entire series. Look forward to it late February of 2010.







Years ago three archeologists, during an underwater study, stumbled upon an ancient ark from what seemed to be over two millennias old. The ark told a story called “The Children of the Phantom”. The story said that there was an ancient spirit known as “The Phantom King”, a being with such phenomenal power he could destroy even the most powerful of civilizations with just a stroke of his hand. In a desperation to save the world, an angel descended upon the planet, followed by two dragons, and sealed the Phantom King in the “Sarcophagus of Forever’s Sleep”. This sarcophagus was then shipped to the farthest reaches of the ocean, and dropped to the deepest, darkest part of the sea, so no human could ever reach it, but on the way the ship was attacked by a group of pirates, sinking the ship. The archeologists soon realized that this was the ship the story told of, and soon found the sarcophagus. The archeologists then returned the ship to the surface and had it placed in a museum in New York City.



A small town in the Mid-West state of Nebraska


[spoiler=Characters & Character Bios]

[spoiler=Will Andersen]

[spoiler=Character Picture]http://i261.photobucket.com/albums/ii53/RedxxNeptune/BillsDrawing.jpg' alt='BillsDrawing.jpg'>


[spoiler=Deck List]


Shining Angel x2


Command Angel



Double Greed

Utopian Road

Super Critical

Half of a Broken Sword

Foolish Burial

Bomb Power



Light and Dark Reproduction

Sacred Seal of Summoning



Extra Deck-

Almighty, The Divine Emperor



Will is a 15 year old duelist who lives in the Mid-west state of Nebraska. As a child, he and all of his friends loved the game of duel monsters, but he grew attached to the game. Over the years he didn't play the game with anybody else, but continuesly bought cards. One day his best friend Kyle Krieger discovered Will's stash of cards, and just then Kyle fell in love with the game as well. Will lives with his brother, his legal guardian, until their parents return from their trip to England. Will is a friendly kid, who loves being with his friends.


[spoiler=Kyle Krieger][spoiler=Character Picture]


Kyle is a 16 year old duelist who lives in the Mid-West State of Nebraska. Kyle has only recently began dueling, and doesn't know what to do when times get rough. Along with that he sometimes forgets to use his spell and trap cards. Will is Kyle's best friend, and learned everything about dueling from him.


[spoiler=Justin Roark]

[spoiler=Character Picture]BillsDrawing3.jpg


[spoiler=Deck List]


Red Thunder Cloud

Dark Blade

Thunder Trooper x2



Foolish Burial

Monster Reborn



Sacred Seal of Summoning

Direct Pain


Extra Deck-

White Lightning Dragon



Justin is the 16 year old, Mid-West State Duel Monsters Champion, and Will's greatest dueling rival. Justin lives in Nebraska, and goes to the same High School as Will and Kyle. Justin holds a stronge grudge against Scott Bethune for telling other duelists about his loss over Will. Justin has a younger brother, and older brother, but he pays little to no attention to either of them.





[spoiler=Chapter 1's Custom Cards]

Red Dragon Slayer

Double Greed


Red Thunder Cloud

Sacred Seal of Summoning

White Lightning Dragon

Thunder Trooper

Light and Dark Reproduction


Almighty, The Divine Emperor

Utopian Road

Direct Pain

Super Critical

Half of a Broken Sword


[spoiler=Chapter 2's Custom Cards]

Aqua Kraking

Star Mage

Bomb Power

Dark Meteor



[spoiler=Chapter 3's Custom Cards]

Super Charger

Chimera Mecha


[spoiler=Chapter 5's Custom Cards]

Fish Bait

Tyrant Whale

Metallic Scaled Fish

Tidal WaveSummoning Pool

Dragonic Fusion

Molten Claws


[spoiler=Chapter 6's Custom Cards]

Bloody Fang

Cosmos King

Rainbow Gate

Dragonic Counter Strike

Black Fire Dragon

Dragon Fire Blast



If you wish to look at the custom cards click here

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[spoiler=Chapter 1][align=center]Chapter 1

An Ancient Rivalry Unlocks!

Scion Summon!




At CHS it is 2:30, and class is about to get over. Will Andersen is teaching his friend how to play duel monsters at their desks.


Kyle: So I can’t summon a monster with 5 or more stars?


Will: Not without tributing other monsters first. For level 5 and 6 you need just 1 tribute, but for level 7 or higher you need 2.


Kyle: Stars indicate the level right?


Will: Yeah.


Matt, Will and Kyle’s friend, approaches them.


Matt: Kyle are you trying to play duel monsters again?


Kyle: HEY! I’m getting better. Now look out here comes my favorite monster! I tribute my “Masked Dragon” to summon “Red Dragon Slayer” (ATK/1500)!


Will: Not a bad move. Did you read his effect?


Kyle: Huh?


Will: “Red Dragon Slayer” has a power that increases his attack strength by 300 for every Dragon on the field, or in both of our graveyards.


Kyle: Really! Sweet! That makes his attack go up by 900.


“Red Dragon Slayer” now has 2400 ATK


Kyle: Sweet! Now I’ll have my Slayer attack your monster.


Will’s monster was “Shining Angel” a monster with only 1400 ATK. Will’s life points dropped by 1000.


Will: Alright, but since you destroyed “Shining Angel” I get to summon another from my deck.


Kyle: Oh well I’ll just take that one out also. Your turn.


Will: Okay here I come!


Will and Kyle continued on with their session. As the two were playing Justin Roark, the state’s dueling champion, walked to their desks.


Justin: What is this? Some amateur duelists?


Kyle: Hey I’ll let you know I’m the amateur duelist here! Will over here is good enough to be professional!


Justin: Professional you say. How about we put your friend’s words to the test?


Will: How about not.


Justin: Wh-What!? Oh I get it you’re scared of me.


Will: No, I just like dueling people with talent.


Classmates in the room stopped what they did and began to chuckle at Will’s insult.


Justin: Wh-What did you say to me!?


Matt: Did he touch a nerve.


Justin: Shut up! Do you have the talent to back up that mouth of yours!?


Kyle: Why don’t you just shut up and go buy yourself another booster pack.


Justin: Keep your mouth shut you worthless piece of garbage!


Justin looked down at Will.


Justin: We’ll duel later!


Justin then walked to his desk and sat down as the bell rang. Later, after school Will, Kyle, and Matt walked to Will’s house, and met up with there other friend Beth.


Beth: I heard about your massive insult on Justin today.


Will: Yeah, he was just getting on my nerves is all.


Matt: Still you pissed him off, big time.


Kyle: Well I would of dueled him if we didn’t have class.


Will: I don’t think you could beat Justin.


Kyle: Shut up!


As they all walked up to Will’s front door, they noticed a note on the door.


Will: What’s this?


The Note read: Will I’m at the park. Some kid from your school challenged me to a duel. He asked if you were better than me, and I said sure, now he wants to see if I was right or not. Be home soon.

-Your brother, Tim


Matt: Justin’s dueling your brother? Wow! Fast match right there.


Will: I know I’ve never beaten my brother once!


About an hour later Will got a phone call.


Will: Hello.


Tim: Hey little bro.


Will: Tim! Where are you I was sure you’d be back by now.


Tim: Good you found my note. I have to tell you I lost.


Will: What!? You can’t lose! What happened!?


Tim: Will, I told him if I lost he could have my card.


Will: What!? Were are you!?


Tim: Gruenther Park.


Will: I’ll be right there!


Will grabbed his deck and duel disk and bolted out the door and started running to Gruenther park. On his way there he ran past Kyle.


Kyle: Whoa! Where are you going in such a hurry?


Will: Tim lost to Justin, and lost his favorite card.


Kyle: Wh-What!? Where is he at?


Will: Gruenther Park. I’m going to duel Justin, and get Tim’s card back!


Kyle: Well I’m coming to then.


Kyle and Will ran to the park and when they arrived they saw Justin standing in the middle of the field. Tim was sitting over on a park bench.


Kyle: Tim! Why don’t you just kick the crap out of this kid, and get your card back!?


Tim: Because I can go to prison for that. Besides I gave him my word that he could have my card if he won.


Justin: I can’t believe a run-down duelist could have such a legendary card.


Will: Justin! I won’t you to duel me, now!


Justin: Good! I’ll make you pay for mocking me today!


Will: Wait! If I win you give my brother back his card!


Justin: And if I win I get your best card.


Will: That’s fine with me, because I’m not going to lose!


Will & Justin: DUEL!


Will = 8000

Justin = 8000


Will: I’ll go first, Draw! First I play the spell card “Double Greed”! This card allows me to draw 2 cards from my deck, then you get 2 “Greed Tokens” (ATK/1700).


Justin: So you’re just helping me. Okay, I’m fine with that.


Will: Now seeing as how you have 2 more monsters on your side of the field than me, I can special summon “Shadowmancer” (ATK/2200)! Then I’ll normal summon my “Shining Angel” (ATK/1400)! Your turn now.


Justin: Good!


Justin drew his card and smiled at his hand.


Justin: Perfect, I’ve won in my first turn. First I tribute the 2 “Greed Tokens” you gave me, to summon my “Red Thunder Cloud” (ATK/500)!


Will: What good is a card like that?


Justin: He’s perfect for my deck. You see once per turn I can activate 1 Trap Card during the turn it is set, but I lose 1000 Life Points if I do this. Now I activate “Foolish Burial” to send “Dark Blade” to the graveyard. Now I’ll use “Monster Reborn” to bring him back (ATK/1800)! Now I’ll use the power of my “Red Thunder Cloud” to activate my trap card. “Sacred Seal of Summoning”!


Will & Kyle: What!?


Justin lost 1000 Life Points


Justin = 7000


Justin: With this I’ll tribute my “Red Thunder Cloud” and my “Dark Blade” to summon, my ultimate beast! The power of nature will take the souls of the weak! Scion Summon “White Lightning Dragon” (ATK/3000)!


The sky became cloudy and turned a dark gray. Lightning struck the ground and formed the shape of the “White Lightning Dragon”


Will: What!? A Scion monster!


Justin: That’s right! Now “White Lightning Dragon” destroy his “Shining Angel”!


“White Lightning Dragon” obliterated the small angel, and took out 1600 of Will’s life points


Will = 6400


Justin: I play 2 cards face down and end my turn.


Will: Due to the effect of my “Shining Angel” I get to special summon another from my deck. Now my turn. Draw! I place 3 cards face down and switch my monsters to defense mode.


Justin: Draw! Now I summon “Thunder Trooper” (ATK/1000). When this card is sent to the graveyard by means other than battle, you lose 500 points of damage, and I get to summon another “Thunder Trooper” from my deck.


Will: Big deal you think my face-downs are gonna destroy it.


Justin: No I’m destroying it, with my dragon’s effect!


Will: What!?


Justin: By tributing 1 monster on my field, I can destroy all of you monsters! Now say goodbye to “Thunder Trooper”!


Kyle: No Way!


All of Will’s monsters were destroyed.


Justin: Now I get another “Thunder Trooper” and you lose 500 Life Points.


Will = 5900


Justin: Now “White Lightning Dragon” attack!


The Dragon attacked Will directly and took out almost all of his remaining Life Points.


Justin: I’ll enjoy taking your best card you weakling.


Will = 2900


Justin: It sucks that when “White Lightning Dragon” activates his effect only he can attack that turn. So you can go now.


Kyle: Don’t give up Will.


Tim: Don’t worry, Kyle, he’ll win.


Will: Thanks bro, (but unfortunately I don’t have a card in my deck with the attack power of his Dragon, but I promise that I’ll win duel)


Will drew his card an smiled.


Justin: What do you have to smile about!?


Will: This, Justin, the end of this duel!


Justin, Kyle & Tim: What!?


Will: First I activate my trap card “Light and Dark Reproduction”! Now I can bring back 1 light and 1 dark monster from my graveyard in attack position, but their points are reduced to zero, and their effects are negated.


Justin: So what you still have nothing!?


Will: Actually I do.


Justin: What?


Tim: I know what he’s doing. He’s won.


Kyle: What? How?


Tim: Watch.


Will: I activate the Trap card “Ambush”! This allows me to activate a trap card during the turn it is set, but I take 500 points during the End Phase. Now I activate MY “Sacred Seal of Summoning”!


Justin: No way!


Will: Now by tributing a Light Fairy monster with a Dark Fairy monster I can summon my most powerful monster! From the utopia above comes a new form of Justice! Scion Summon “Almighty, The Divine Emperor” (ATK/2500)!


Justin: Impossible, that’s the Divine Emperor!


Will: Then I guess you know his power. Almighty can negate your monsters ability until the End Phase, then the power becomes his!


Justin: I-Impossible!


Will: But I’m not done! I activate “Utopian Road”! This allows me to take control of 1 of your monsters, but I must discard the top 3 cards in my deck during my end phase, but it won’t matter because I’m not gonna have an end phase! I take control of your “Thunder Trooper”! Then I tribute him to destroy your “White Lightning Dragon”, and inflict 500 points of damage to you!


Justin’s monster was destroyed, and he lost 500 life points


Will = 2900

Justin = 6500


Will: But don’t think the battle is over, because I activate the spell card “Super Critical”!


Justin: Wh-What is that!?


Will: If you have 2000 or more Life Points than me, I can double 1 of my monsters attack power! So now my Almighty’s attack strength is 5000. Now Attack!


Almighty’s struck down Justin’s life points down to 1500.


Justin: HAHAHA!! You fell for my ultimate plan! I activate “Direct Pain”! Now during the end of the battle phase you take the same amount of damage I did!


Will: I already told you the duel is over.


Justin: What?


Will: I activate the quick-play spell card “Half of a Broken Sword”! This reduces my monster’s ATK by half then he can attack you again. It’s over. Almighty attack him now!


Justin” No way! I-I’m a champion I can’t lose to you!


Will: You just did. HEAVEN’S WRATH!


Almighty shot a beam of light directly at Justin, and his Life points dropped to zero.


Justin: No! I can’t lose!


Will: You know the rules Justin, give me back my brother’s card.


Justin: Alright, here.


Justin gave Will his brother’s card. It was another Scion monster called “Phantasmal Hourglass”


Justin: I have no purpose for a card like that in my deck anyways. Will we’ll meet again, and next time…..you’ll be meat for my dragon. I look forward to destroying the Emperor.


Justin walked off with an angry look on his face.


Will: Here you go Tim, your card.

Tim: Thanks little bro. I think for this I’ll buy you a handful of booster packs.


Kyle: What about me?


Tim looked at Kyle, with a grin.


Tim: You get one.


Kyle: Sweet!


Meanwhile, in a mansion a ways away, a man was watching the duel on his computer.


Man: Perfect. Two of the six are found. It’s only a matter of time before I get what I rightfully deserve.


To Be Continued…..



Well tell me what you think. If you have any suggestions about how I could improve it (Like Double spacing or using these things = * to indicate a change is time or location) I will gladly think about it.

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[spoiler=Chapter 2][align=center]Chapter 2

Trap of the Star Mage!

The Death Duels Begin!



3 hours after Will’s victory over Justin, Will, Tim, an Kyle headed out to the store to buy some packs.


Kyle: Which ones are you gonna pick Will?


Will: I don’t know probably the “Rise of the Descendent” packs. They have a lot of good Scion support.


Tim: But then again the “Inverted Utopia” have some good Fairy cards.


Will: Then I’ll get 2 of each.


Tim: Alright then. Kyle What are you getting?


Kyle: I’ll get 2 “Rise of the Descendent” packs.


Will: Trying to make a Scion Deck are we?


Kyle: Not really, but I have the “Sacred Seal of Summoning” and I want a good Dragon Scion monster.


Will: Actually, I can help you there.


Will was wearing a back pack which had his cards in them. He pulled out a binder full of cards, Will pulled out a Scion Monster.


Will: Here it is, “Black Fire Dragon”. This card could work well in your deck.


Kyle took the card and looked at it.


Kyle: You’re seriously going to give me this card.


Will: Yeah.


Kyle: Well, I don’t want it right now.


Will stood with a confused look on his face.


Will: Didn’t you say you wanted-


Kyle: I do want it, I just want to earn it.


Will: Okay.


Tim: You still getting some packs?’


Kyle: Yeah. I’ll get two “Rise of the Descendents”.


Tim: Alright then.


The three walked to the check out lane, and bought their packs. On the way back to Will’s house Kyle opened one of his packs. He didn’t pull some super cards, but he did pull another “Sacred Seal of Summoning”.


Kyle: That could help if I had a good Scion monster.


Kyle looked back down at his pack and realized he did have a Scion Monster. A monster called “Aqua Kraking”.




Will: What? The “Aqua Kraking” is a good card?


Tim: Seriously I’d put it in my deck.


Kyle: Well yeah, but I run a dragon deck. This is a Fish!


Will: So you can still put it in your deck.


Kyle: Yeah, but it wouldn’t blend to well.


Tim: So. A good card is good to have, even if it doesn’t blend in with your cards.


Will: How about I trade you “Black Fire Dragon” for that card?


Kyle looked down at the Kraking.


Kyle: No. I’ll keep it for one duel. Against someone who is really tough like Justin. If I win, then I’ll keep him in my deck, and I’ll take that dragon you have.


Will: Alright.


Will, Kyle, and Tim ran into Matt and Beth.


Beth: Hey what are you guys doing?


Kyle: We just got done getting some packs.


Matt: We saw your victory over Justin.


Will: Really?


Beth: Yeah, it was pretty impressive, but then again it was you.


As they were talking they crossed paths with a man wearing a leather jacket.


Man: Hey, are you Will Andersen?


Will turned around, surprised.


Will: Yeah?


Man: Hehehe.


The man lifted his hand. He was holding a duel monsters card, and it began to shine.


Tim: Wait what card is tha-!


Before Tim could finish his sentence he froze, as did Kyle, Beth and Matt, and everything around him.


Will: What did you do!?


Man: I’ve been ordered by my master to challenge you to a Devil Death Duel!


Will: What!? Who are you!?


Man: You can call me Star. I’ve been hired by Scott Bethune to test you. To see if you’re strong enough to enter his upcoming Duel Monsters tournament.


Will: You mean the Scott Bethune, the creator of Duel Monsters Scion Monsters!?


Star: Correct.


Will: But what is a devil death game? Where are we!?


Star: You’ll have to duel me to find out.


Star activated his duel disk, and Will followed.


Star & Will: DUEL!


Will = 8000

Star = 8000


Star: Seeing as how this is my world, I’ll go first. Draw!


Star looked at his hand, and smiled.


Star: I activate the “Ancient Rules” Spell Card. This allows me to Special Summon 1 level 5 or higher Normal Monster. Come forth “Summoned Skull” (ATK/2500)!


Will: Damn!


Star: But I’m not done because I activate “Cost Down”! Now by discarding a card from my hand, a monster’s level is reduced by 2. Now I tribute the “Summoned Skull” to summon my unstoppable monster! Come forth “Star Mage” (ATK/2400)!


Will: What is that card?


Star: Hehehe.


Star Mage’s ATK increased by 600


Will: What just happened!? Why did his attack power increase!?


Star: Haha! For every Spell and Trap in the graveyard, my monster gains 200 attack points.


Will: (So I‘ll have to clear his graveyard of spells and traps) My turn, Draw! I activate the “Bomb Power” spell card! This allows me to Special Summon 1 “Bomb Token” (ATK/1500) to your field.


Star: What?


Will: When this token is destroyed all monsters on the field are destroyed as well!


Star: Really now.


Will: Now that you have 2 more monsters than me, I can summon my “Shadowmancer” (ATK/2200)! “Shadowmancer” attack the “Bomb Token”!


Star: Not so fast! I use the effect of “Star Mage”!


Will: What!?


Star: By removing a spell or trap card in my graveyard, I can make my monster immune to being destroyed by Spell, Trap, or Monster effects!


Will: What!? No!


“Shadowmancer” destroyed the “Bomb Token” and took out 700 of Star’s Life Points, but was destroyed


Star = 7300


Star: And I still have my ace monster. Looks like your plan failed.


Will: Ugh! I play 2 cards face-down and end my turn.


Will had a look of displease on his face.


Star: What’s the matter? Are you scared?


Will: No just a little angry.


Star: Good! You should be! I would be too if I was going to be trapped in the realm of the Devil Death Gods.


Will: What?


Star: I have used the power of the “Star Mage” to trap us in a gap between dimensions. Now who ever loses gets sealed in this gap forever!


Will: How?


Star: My master, Bethune, gave me this power. He said if you’re one of the ones he’s looking for than you should beat me no problem, but it looks like this duel is in my favor.


Will: Why does Bethune want me?


Star: Something about you entering his tournament, but I’ll tell you that if you defeat my Mage. My turn, Draw!


Star looked at his card, and gave Will a smirk.


Star: I don’t even need this card, all I need is what’s on my field. I activate my “Dark Meteor” trap card!


Will: I’ve heard of that card! It was said to be an illegal card.


Star: Yes, but the rules were bent a little afterwards. When I activate this card I select 1 of my monsters. That monster can’t attack, but during each End Phase you take damage equal to my monster’s attack strength. So I’ll end my turn with “Star Mage’s” attack at 2800!


Will’s Life points dropped to 5200


Will = 5200

Star = 7300


Will: It’s my turn, Draw!


Will looked at his card displeased again.


Will: (No! I need a better card to save me.) I end my turn.


Star: Giving up! HAHAHA! Draw! Now it’s my turn as well but at least I’m doing something! Dark Meteor” destroy another 2800 Life points!


Will’s Life points knocked down even farther.


Will = 2400


Will: (This duel depends on this last card.) Draw!


Will looked at the card and gave a sigh of relief.


Star: What could be so good about now!?


Will: This! I activate my “Foolish Burial” Spell card! This allows me to send 1 of my monsters straight to the graveyard.


Star: So what?


Will: Now I activate my “Ambush” trap card, which now allows me to activate 1 trap card during the turn it is set! Now I set and activate “Light and Dark Reproduction”! Come back “Shadowmancer” and “Shining Angel”!


Star: So what! Now you can bring back 2 worthless monsters!


Will: Maybe, but now I activate my final trap “Sacred Seal of Summoning”!


Star: Wh-What!?


Will: Now I tribute “Shadowmancer” and my “Shining Angel” to summon my unstoppable monster! From the utopia above comes a new form of Justice! Scion Summon! “Almighty, The Divine Emperor” (ATK/ 2500)!


Star: Ha! You scared me I thought you were going to summon a more powerful Scion monster!


Will: Nothing is more powerful than the emperor. Now! I activate his effect to negate the effect of you “Star Mage” and then the power becomes his!


Star: No!


Star’s “Star Mage’s” ATK dropped back to 2400, and Will’s Divine Emperor’s ATK increased to 3500.


Will: And here’s the best part, I still have 2 cards left in my hand. Activate “Utopian Road”! This allows me to take control of your mage as long as I discard 3 cards from my deck during the End Phase.


Star: No way!


Will: Now I activate my final card! “Super Critical”! This doubles my Emperor’s attack power and now since my “Utopian Road” is in the grave, the Emperor’s attack power is 3700, then plus my “Super Critical”!




Will: Plus the final 200 from “Super Critical” but that’s a bit of an over kill. Almighty, attack him directly! HEAVEN”S WRATH!


Almighty shot an incredible beam, and destroyed Star’s Life Points.


Star = 0


Star: No way. I can’t lose in a Devil Death Duel.


Will: I won, now tell me about Bethune!


Star: I don’t know much, but he seemed very interested in you and Justin. He wants you to join his tournament.


Will: What I’m not going to join his tournament now! Why didn’t he just ask me!


Star: He wanted to test your strength in our duel, but to make sure you enter the tournament, Bethune has made special arrangements. He’s planned to offer one of your friends to the Devil Death Gods.


Will: What!?


Star: We will meet again, Will, here in the Realm of the Devil Death Gods. HAHAHA!


As Star was laughing, he was beginning to vanish, and everything was starting to move again. Before was fully vanished he said one more thing.


Star: You are allowed to have one friend enter the tournament with you, but choose wisely, there are no changes. Also the tournament is tomorrow.


Star tossed Will a duel monsters card. It had the picture of a boat on it.


Star: If that doesn’t give it away, the tournament is on a boat. Be at the Platte River Bridge tomorrow at 5:30 PM that is when the tournament begins. HAHAHA!


Just then Star disappeared, and all the others began to move.


Kyle: Whoa, what just happened?


Tim: And what happened to the guy who was right there?


Will: I don’t really know, but he gave me this before he vanished.


Will showed them the card that had the boat on it.


Kyle: Scott Bethune is holding a duel monsters tournament?


Will: Yeah, and I have to participate or else he’ll offer one of my friends’ soul to the Devil Death Gods.


Tim: What?


Kyle: What are you talking about?


Will: That guy just used the power of the “Star Mage” card to transport us to some different dimension and he dueled me. He said Bethune really wanted me in this tournament, so he had to test my strength.


Matt: That’s a little fantasy-ish for my taste.


Will: But it’s true. He told me to select a friend to enter the tournament with me.


Kyle: Pick me! Pick Me!


Will: Actually I was thinking Tim.


Kyle: What!!


Tim: Actually, I think Kyle would be a great partner for you.


Kyle: Yeah listen to your brother!


Will: Alright. You can be my partner. (But I still want to know what has happened. What are these Devil Death Duels, and Devil Death Gods. How was Star able to use that card to take us to that dimension. I guess all my questions will be answered at that tournament tomorrow.)


To Be Continued....



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[spoiler=Chapter 3][align=center]Chapter 3

The Tournament Begins!

The Evil Chimera Mecha!



It’s 10:30 PM at Will’s house. Will, Tim, Kyle, Matt, and Beth were in Will’s living room talking about the tournament. Will and Kyle were practicing dueling.


Tim: So what time do you have to be at the river?


Will: The guy said 5:30. Your turn Kyle.


Kyle: Alright….


Beth: Are you really going to enter this tournament?


Will: Well I have to. If I don’t, after what I experienced yesterday, he can steal somebody’s soul.


Matt: How can you believe something like that. It sounds like something off of a T.V. show.


Will: Well if you would’ve dueled Star you would believe it too.


Kyle: I believe you. I mean, one second the guy was there, and then he was just gone.


Tim: Plus that card he had glowed.


Kyle: Yeah it was just weird. Alright I tribute my monster to summon “Red Dragon Slayer” (ATK/1500)! Plus his boost so now his attack strength is 2700! Attack!


Will: Alright, I activate “Sakuretsu Armor”!


Kyle: Damn it!


Beth: So are you two gonna duel all night?


Kyle: Hey Will is good enough to win this tournament by himself, but I need all the training I can get.


Will: It’s true. I’ve been trying to convince him to take my “Black Fire Dragon” but he doesn’t want it!


Kyle: I told you I want to earn it. I’d use the “Aqua Kraking” but I don’t have any fish or water monsters in my deck.


Matt: Why don’t you put two or three in?


Kyle: Because it would mess up the balance of my deck.


Tim: What balance? You just started playing yesterday.


Kyle: Hey shut up! I’m getting better.


Will: It’s true. Before he couldn’t touch my Life Points, but now he can knock me down to 6000, maybe even less sometimes.


Beth: Really now.


Kyle: Hey be quiet! Will’s an expert duelist, I bet you couldn’t beat him.


Beth: But I don’t duel.


Kyle: So….


The group continued talking for another half an hour before it got too late. Tim gave Beth, and Matt a ride home, and Kyle decided to stay with Will for the night.


Will: Hey Kyle, do you really believe what happened to that guy?


Kyle: Of course I do. I have no better explanation.


Will: Well what about the whole, offer your friends’ souls to the Devil Death Gods thing.


Kyle: That is a little harder to believe, but I’ll believe you until I can prove it wrong. If I can prove it wrong any way.


Will: I’m surprised that you’d believe me.


Kyle: Well, I’ll believe anything. It sounds exiting.


Will: So you don’t think I’m lying?


Kyle looked at Will with a smirk.


Kyle: I don’t care if you’re lying. It’s a good excuse to enter a tournament isn’t it. Hosted by our favorite card maker of Industrial Illusions.


Will: I guess you’re right.


As they were talking Tim walked in.


Tim: So you guys think you’re ready for the tournament?


Will: Yup.


Kyle: Oh yeah! We’re going straight to the top!


Tim: Alright well get to bed, you guys can practice more tomorrow.


Kyle & Will: Kay’


The three went to bed, and woke up at 11:45 AM. Will woke up first, and walked to the back yard. He saw Tim laying in their hammock.


Tim: When did you wake up?


Will: About a minute ago.


Tim: Oh.


There was a miniature silence before Will finally asked,


Will: Why did you lose to Justin?


Tim looked at will with a tired look.


Tim: I didn’t really try. I didn’t know he’d take my hourglass.


Will: But you still should have beat him.


Tim: I wanted you to duel him.


Will: So! You still could have won.


Tim waited a while before he started talking again.


Tim: I’m going to the tournament today.


Will: What?


Tim: To watch.


Will: You can watch?


Tim: Why not? It’s a tournament is it not?


Will: I guess you’re right.


As the two were talking Kyle walked out.


Kyle: Hey why didn’t you wake me up? We still need to practice!


Will rubbed his eyes.


Will: Alright we’ll practice until 3.


Kyle: Good.


Will and Kyle practiced until about 2:30. Finally Will convinced Kyle that they were ready. At 4:30 both of them were dropped off at the Platte River Bridge, where they saw the boat that was on the card. As the two go onto the boat they saw Bethune, at the bow of the boat. Will was going to go talk to him but was cut off by another man.


Man: Hey! You’re Will Andersen! The one who defeated Justin!


Will: How do you know about me?


Man: Bethune has told me all about you. I won a state tournament allowing me free entry to this tournament. I’m Nathan Augustine, but call me Nate.


Will: Well I’m pleased to meet you Nate.


Nate: I’m pleased to meet you. Who is your partner?


Kyle: That would be me. Who is yours?


Nate: His name is Jason. Jason Augsburger. He placed second in the state tournament, and we were forced to be partners.


Kyle: So is this a tag tournament?


Nate: Not exactly. The tournament is simply this: You and your partner get either the color blue or red color card. Blue duelists can only duel other blue duelists, and the same goes for red duelists. You have to win until you have 10 color cards, and every time you win you get your opponent’s color cards. When you get 10 cards you report to Bethune, and the two remaining will participate in the Final Round on the Black Bridge.


Kyle: So if two partners made it to the finals-


Nate: They have to duel each other.


Kyle: Well that’s cool.


Nate looked over at Will’s duel disk.


Nate: Will may I look at you Divine Emperor card?


Will: My Emperor?


Nate: Please! He’s the only monster known to defeat the “White Lightning Dragon”!


Will: Okay. Just give it back before the tournament starts.


Will handed Nate “Almighty, The Divine Emperor”.


Nate: This is incredible! The only monster, and the only duelist ever to beat Justin Roark in a game of duel monsters are right in front of me!


Nate looked back up at Will.


Nate: Do you know most duelists wouldn’t give a card this powerful back?


Will: What?


Nate held the card over the side of the boat.


Will: What are you doing!?


Nate: A card like this’ll only get in my way. I need to win this tournament so Bethune can give me the grand prize!


Kyle: You little bastard!


Nate: No need for names. Just duel me, and I’ll give you the card back.


Will: No! You will give it back before we duel!


Nate: Why?


Will: Because I know you won’t keep your word.


Nate looked at Will with a tiny smirk.


Nate: You know me pretty well. Alright, before we duel I’ll give you this card.


Nate to a few steps back and vanished into a crowd of people. As he did two girls started to walk towards them.


Girl 1: What was that?


Kyle: Nothing!


Girl 2: Well that wasn’t very nice!


Will: He took my card!


Girl 1: What!? Who did!?


Will: Nate Augustine. The only way I can get it back is if I duel him.


Girl 2: That’s terrible!


Kyle: Who are you two?


Girl 1: Oh! Sorry, I’m Izi.


Girl 2: I’m Morgan.


Izi: Who are you two?


Will: I’m Will Andersen.


Izi: You mean “the” Will Andersen!? The one who beat Justin Roark!


Will: Yeah. How does everyone know about this?


Morgan: You’re big news!


Will: Well thank you, but-


Kyle: Do you guys know anything about me!?


Izi & Morgan: No.


Kyle: Come on! I’m Will Andersen’s dueling partner! I should be noticed!


Will: Kyle you just started dueling three days ago.


Izi & Morgan: What!!?


Izi: He just started dueling! And he’s your partner!?


Kyle: Hey! What’s that mean!?


Morgan: Why not pick someone with a little more experience?


Kyle: HEY!!


Will: Actually, we’ve been doing a lot of training. He has some pretty good cards, he just needs to duel some others to really get the feel of dueling.


Kyle: Yeah! You’ll see! I’m going straight to the top! By the end of this tournament I’ll be even better than Will!


Will: Keep saying that.


Will, Izi, and Morgan began to laugh, but Kyle had a serious look on his face.


Kyle: Not cool.


As they were laughing, Bethune stood on the top of the boat.


Bethune: Welcome, everyone to my tournament! This tournament is different from most other tournaments out there. We do not go by the barrack system, but we will go by these new rules: You and your partner will get cards that will be either Red or Blue. These colors do not say you are better than anyone else, it just makes your search for duelists narrower. You can only duel someone with your same color. When you win you get the losers color cards. When you get 10 you no longer need to duel, you are ready for the finals which will take place at the Black Bridge. The grand prize for this tournament is something beyond special. You are allowed to create your own duel monsters card!


The crowd gave a cheer.


Bethune: But let me remind you, that is the “Grand” prize, not the first place prize. The first place prize is ten-thousand dollars! In the end, the first place winner will have the opportunity to duel me! If you win you get the Grand Prize!


The crowd gave a smirk, as if they believed Bethune to be easy.


Bethune: Now, partners will line up side-by-side to get your cards.


The partners lined up and got their cards. As Will and Kyle got up to the front and met with Bethune, he started talking to them.


Bethune: Will, I’ve been very interested in you.


Will: I could tell by the way you sent Star to duel me.


Bethune: And you didn’t think my threat was a lie?


Will: After that duel I’m willing to believe anything.


Bethune: Good then listen to this. If you lose any duels, I will offer the souls of your other friends.


Will: What!?


Bethune: Don’t worry, all you have to do is win. And if you make it to me, and win, well than nothing will happen to them.


Will and Kyle got there cards and headed to the edge of the boat, where they saw Tim’s car. Tim, Matt, and Beth crawled out, and got on the boat.


Kyle: What are you guys doing here?


Matt: We came to watch. There is nothing that says we can’t.


Will: I guess you’re right.


Bethune handed out all of the cards, and got back to were he announced the tournament rules, and the boat began to take off.


Bethune: Let the tournament begin! Find your first opponent and duel them!


Will: Good. I need to find Nate.


Will ran off into a crowd of people in a search of Nate.


Tim: Why’d he run off like that?


Kyle: Nate Augustine took “Almighty, The Divine Emperor” and unless Will duels him, he’s gonna throw it off the boat.


Will looked desperately through the crowd, and saw Nate in front of a door. Will started walking towards him, and Nate ran into the room behind him. Will ran after him, and chased Nate down to the bottom of the boat, into the boiler room.


Nate: Alright, Will, you ready to duel?


Will: Yeah! What color card do you have?


Nate: I have a red card.


Will: Good so do I! Now give me back my card!


Nate: (Damn! I wanted to keep this card) Alright here!


Nate through the card back to Will.


Will: And seeing as how you are a good sport, I will be forced to win using my Divine Emperor, and if I don’t I will tear the card myself.


Nate: Alright!


Will & Nate: DUEL!





Nate: I’ll go first, Draw!


Nate began to laugh at his hand.


Nate: This duel ends now! First I activate “Polymerization” to fuse 1 machine monster, and 1 thunder monster to summon “Super Charger” (ATK/2500)! Now I activate “De-Fusion” to tribute “Super Charger” and summon his fusion monsters: “Drillago” (ATK/1600) and “Thunder King” (ATK/1900)! But I’m not done, because I tribute both of them to summon my ultimate monster, the “Chimera Mecha” (ATK/2600)!


Will: What!?


Nate: This monster is your worst nightmare! Each time you activate a trap card you take 1000 points of damage, and you have to discard the top card in your deck!


Will: (No way! It‘s the ultimate Anti-Scion monster. I‘ll have to destroy this thing quick before I lose everything!)


To Be Continued….


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[spoiler=Chapter 4]

[align=center]Chapter 4

Wrath of the Chimera Mecha!



[spoiler=Previously on Yugioh! Children of the Phantom]


Nate held the card over the side of the boat.


Will: What are you doing!?


Nate: A card like this’ll only get in my way. I need to win this tournament so Bethune can give me the grand prize!




Bethune: The grand prize for this tournament is something beyond special. You are allowed to create your own duel monsters card! In the end, the first place winner will have the opportunity to duel me! If you win you get the Grand Prize!




Bethune: Will, I’ve been very interested in you.


Will: I could tell by the way you sent Star to duel me.


Bethune: And you didn’t think my threat was a lie?


Will: After that duel I’m willing to believe anything.


Bethune: Good then listen to this. If you lose any duels, I will take away the souls of your other friends.




Nate: But I’m not done, because I tribute both of my monsters to summon my ultimate monster, the “Chimera Mecha”


Will: (No way! It‘s the ultimate Anti-Scion monster. I‘ll have to destroy this thing quick before I lose everything!)






Nate: You should just give up! There is nothing you can do to stop me!


Will: Your monster doesn’t stop me from using my Scion monsters, it just gives them a price to be summoned!


Nate: But I know your deck revolves around your trap cards! If you were to use even 4 of them you would lose half of your life points!


Will: But I don’t need to use them! Draw!


Will glanced at his hand. He studied it for a split second, and continued with his move.


Will: First I activate “Double Greed”! Allowing me to draw 2 cards, then you get 2 “Greed Tokens” (ATK/1700). Now I Special Summon “Shadowmancer” (ATK/2200)!


Nate: HA! I thought you would try and summon a powerful monster, not that thing!


Will: But I’m not done. Now I summon “Hoshiningen” (ATK/500)! This monster boosts the attack power of all Light monsters by 500, and decreases all Dark monsters by 400!


Nate: HAHAHA! You may have weakened by “Chimera Mecha”, but you weakened your own “Shadowmancer”!


Will: Woops. Now “Shadowmancer” attack!


Nate: Huh?


“Shadowmancer” was destroyed.




Will: Now “Hoshiningen” attack!


“Hoshiningen” was destroyed as well.




Nate: HAHAHA! You’ve lost it completely! Destroying your own monsters! Pathetic.


Will: I place 2 cards face down, and end my turn.


Nate: Good, Draw! Now “Chimera Mecha” attack!




Nate: Now I’ll end my turn. You know, I was hoping for a challenging duel, but this is pathetic.


Will: You want a challenging duel! Well you got it, Draw! Now I activate my “Light and Dark Reproduction” trap card!


Nate: But you’ll lose Life Points?


Will: Oh well?




Will: Now come back “Hoshiningen” and “Shadowmancer”!


Both monsters had 0 ATK


Will: Now I activate my “Sacred Seal of Summoning”!




Nate: Wait? You’re still trying to summon the Divine Emperor!?


Will: That’s the only way I’ll beat you! From the utopia above comes a new form of Justice! Scion Summon! “Almighty, The Divine Emperor” (ATK/ 2500)!


Nate: It doesn’t matter! Your monster is still weaker than mine!


Will: Not now anyway. I summon “Command Angel” (ATK/1200)! This monster increases the power of all my fairy monsters by 400!


Nate: What!?


Will: But don’t worry your “Chimera Mecha” won’t be harmed, because I activate “Utopian Road”! This allows me to take control of 1 of your monsters, as long as I have 1 fairy monster on the field, and I discard the top 3 cards of my deck during the end of my turn.


Nate: Wait! You can’t do that!


Will: To bad, I just did! Now I activate “Super Critical”! This doubles 1 monster’s strength as long as you have more life points than I do. So now my divine emperor’s attack goes from 2900 to 5800!


Nate: NO!


Will: Now I’ll have both “Almighty, The Divine Emperor” and “Chimera Mecha” attack your greed tokens!


Both of the greed tokens were destroyed, and Nate lost 5000 Life Points.





Will: Now “Command Angel” will attack you directly!


Nate lost another 1600 Life Points.




Nate: HA! I’m still standing, and when you end your turn I’ll get my chimera back, and destroy your angel!


Will: No you won’t because there won’t be an end of my turn. The duel ends now! I activate my final card! “Half of a Broken Sword”!


Nate: NO! NO! NO!!!!


Will: Now I cut the ATK of my divine emperor in half, and he can attack again!


Nate: How do you always get what you need!!?


Will: It’s simple. I have a purpose for dueling! When the duel is just for fun, that’s a whole different story, but right now there is something important on the line, and I have to win! Go “Almighty, the Divine Emperor”! HEAVEN’S WRATH!


Almighty shot out a beam of light towards Nate and reduced his Life Points to 0.





Nate: I-Impossible! I can’t lose!


Will: Well you just did! Now give me your color card!


Nate looked up at Will, angrily, and tossed him his color card.


Nate: You haven’t seen the last of me Will Andersen!


Nate then stormed off, out of the boiler room. Will then walked out and returned to the top of the boat. He began to look for Tim, and his friends, but ran into Izi, and Morgan.


Izi: So Will, how was your duel with Nate?


Will: It was good. I got my card back.


He showed them both the Divine Emperor.


Morgan: Sweet. So what color are you?


Will: I’m red. I even have two color cards now.


Izi: Nice so do I. Why don’t we duel right now!


Will gave her a smile.


Will: Sorry, I would if I could, but I’ve got to find my friends.


Will waved, and ran off.


Morgan: Do you think you can beat him?


Izi: Maybe? I’ll have to watch him duel first. What about you? Think you can beat his partner?


Morgan: Pssh! Of course!


The two then walked away.




Will was walking at a high pace looking for Kyle. He finally found him talking with another duelist.


Will: Hey Kyle. Win any duels yet?


Kyle: No, but I see you have! You got your card back!?


Will: And the Color Card.


Kyle: Good job partner.


The duelist Kyle was talking to, looked at “Almighty, The Divine Emperor” and the color card.


Duelist: (What!? This is the kid, Nate was talking about!)




Nate: Listen, Jason, this kid beat Justin! If we beat him we could be number one!


Jason: You mean one of us could be number one.


Nate: Just listen! We are forced to be partners! I know that I can beat him no problem, all I got to do is stop his Scion monster “Almighty, The Divine Emperor” from being summoned.


Jason: And how do you plan on doing that?


Nate: Simple. I’m going to steal it from him. If he duels me and wins I’ll give it back to him.


Jason: And if you lose?


Nate: Then I’ll tear it to shreds! Then there will be nothing in your way of winning the prize!




Jason: Your Will Andersen! You beat Nate didn’t you?


Will: Yeah. He tried to cheat by stealing my ace monster, but I got it back.


Jason: How?


Will: Before the duel began, I forced him to give it to me.


Jason: (Damn!) Well I was Nate’s Partner, Jason Augsburger.


Kyle: Did you know he was gonna steal the card?


Jason: He said he was going to do anything to beat you, I didn’t think he’d be that shallow.


Kyle: Well serves him right. First duel of the tournament, and he loses.


Jason: (This kid shouldn‘t be very tough. I can still beat him, to get to Will) Hey how good are you at dueling?


Kyle: Me? I’m pretty good.


Will: Even though you’ve only been dueling for three days?


Kyle: Shut Up!


Jason: (Three days! Perfect! I can beat this kid no problem!) Say, Kyle was it? Why don’t we duel?


Kyle: Now?


Jason: Sure. It’ll put both of us to the test. If you win I’ll apologize for everything my partner did to you guys.


Kyle looked at Jason with concern.


Kyle: (This guy was second place at the State tournament, but he seems like a pretty nice guy.) Alright, Jason, lets duel! But can you give me a few minutes to fix up my deck?


Jason looked at Kyle puzzled.


Jason: Sure, why not. Meet me in Cabin 113, in ten minutes.


Kyle: Okay.


Jason started to walk off.


Kyle: Will! I need some tips on how to beat him!


Will: Whoa! Calm down Kyle, I’m sure you’ll duel fine.


Kyle: But Nate said Jason was the second placemen of the state tournament!


Will: Don’t worry! You will be fine!


Kyle: Okay!


Kyle waited a brief moment.


Kyle: Will, I’ll take the “Black Fire Dragon”.


Will: Really!?


Kyle: Not Now. After my duel. I want to earn that card, and if I beat Jason, I’ll know I’m ready.


Will looked at Kyle, and Smiled.


Will: Alright. Go knock him out!


To Be Continued….



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[spoiler=Chapter 5][align=center]Chapter 5

The Underwater Terror!

Tyrant Dragon Vs. Tyrant Whale!



It’s 6 O’clock, half an hour after the tournament started. Will and Kyle stood next to the cabin where Jason told them to meet him.


Kyle: Any last minute tips?


Will: Nope.


Kyle: Oh come on!


Will: I’ve given you all the tips I can! Just think on your feet.


Kyle: Alright.


As the two were talking Jason began to walk towards them.


Jason: Okay, you ready?


Kyle: Yeah, lets do this!


The two entered the cabin, and Will followed. The two walked to the opposite sides of the room, and activated their duel disks.


Kyle & Jason: DUEL!





Jason: Seeing as how this is your first duel I’ll give you the starting move.


Kyle: This is your first duel to?


Jason: I meant against someone other than Will.


Kyle: Oh! Okay, Draw!


Kyle began to smile at his cards.


Kyle: Sweet. First I activate “Trade-In”! Now I can discard 1 level 8 or higher monster form my hand, and draw 2 cards!


Kyle drew his 2 cards.


Kyle: Now I summon “Armed Dragon LV.3” (ATK/1200), but he won’t stay on the field for long, because I activate “Monster Reborn”! I now summon the monster I discarded due to “Trade-In”, come forth “Tyrant Dragon” (ATK/2900)!


Jason: You do know when you summon “Tyrant Dragon” from the graveyard, you have to tribute 1 dragon monster, don’t you?


Kyle: Of course I do! Didn’t you here me when I said my Armed Dragon wouldn’t be around for long? I’m tributing him to summon “Tyrant Dragon”! Now I’ll place 2 cards face down and end my turn.


Jason: Good, Draw! I activate “Fish Bait”!


Kyle: What does that do?


Jason: This card allows me to special summon 2 Fish or Sea Serpent monsters from my hand or deck, so I summon “7 Colored Fish” (ATK/1800) and “Giant Red Sea Snake” (ATK/1800)!


Kyle: To bad! Neither of those things stand a chance against my Dragon.


Jason: I know, because I’m tributing them to summon my ace monster! Come forth! “Tyrant Whale” (ATK/2900)!


Kyle: So what? Are monsters are equal in strength?


Jason: Not for long, because I activate the “Umikura” Field Spell!


As Jason placed the card on his duel disk, the entire room was filled in water.


Jason: This card increases the attack of all my Water monsters by 500!


Kyle: What!


Jason: Now “Tyrant Whale” attack!


Kyle: I activate my “Negate Attack”! This automatically stops your attack and ends your battle phase!


Jason: So you stopped my monsters attack for 1 turn, big deal.


Kyle: Alright, Draw! (Damn! I don‘t have any cards in my hand that can take out his Whale! But I do have my face down cards.) I equip my “Tyrant Dragon” with “Mist Body”! This makes my monster invincible from attacks!


Jason: So what. You still take damage.


Kyle: No I won’t because I forgot about this face down card! Go “Mystical Space Typhoon”! Destroy his “Umikura”!


Jason’s field spell was destroyed and “Tyrant Whale’s” ATK returned to 2900.


Kyle: Now “Tyrant Dragon” attack!


Jason: Not so fast! I discard my “Metallic Scaled Fish” to negate my monster from being destroyed! Also I get to draw 1 card.


Kyle: (Damn! I thought I had him there.) Okay I play 1 card face down and end my turn.


Jason: Good, Draw! (I can‘t let this loser get the upper hand! That was a close call, but I‘m an expert at this game. I won‘t let him get the upper hand again!) I activate the spell card, “Tidal Wave”! This allows me to destroy 1 monster on your side of the field, but during your next standby phase it returns! Go and destroy “Tyrant Dragon”!


A wave engulfed Kyle’s “Tyrant Dragon” and left him wide open.


Jason: Now “Tyrant Whale” destroy him!


The “Tyrant Whale” lunged forward and took out a large portion of Kyle’s Life Points.




Jason: Alright your turn.


Kyle: (Okay, remain calm! You can still win this. All I need are the right cards.) Draw!


Jason: (Give up kid. You can‘t win no matter what you do.)


Kyle: Alright, first my “Tyrant Dragon” comes back because of your “Tidal Wave” Spell card.


“Tyrant Dragon” returned to Kyle’s field.


Kyle: Now I activate “Megamorph” to double my monster’s attack power. But don’t think that’s it because now I activate “Shrink”! This will cut your monster’s power in half.


Jason: What!


“Tyrant Dragon’s” ATK was now 5800, and “Tyrant Whale’s” ATK became 1450.


Kyle: Now “Tyrant Dragon” attack!




Jason: Damn! (How could I let this amateur inflict that much damage to me!?)


“Tyrant Dragon’s” ATK was reduced to 1450.


Kyle: Wait! What happened to my dragon!?


Will: Kyle when your life points are higher than your opponent’s the equipped monster losses half of it’s strength!


Kyle: What!?


Jason: That’s right you amateur! My turn, Draw!


Jason looked at his card and began to grin.


Jason: It’s time you feel the power of my “Tyrant Whale”! I activate “Summoning Pool”!


Kyle: What?


Will: That allows him to summon 1 Water monster from his graveyard!


Kyle: No Way!


Jason: That’s right! Now return to me, “Tyrant Whale”!


Jason’s “Tyrant Whale” returned to the field.


Kyle: Damn! There’s just no end to that thing!


Jason: You’re right! My Whale is never gone for long! Now “Tyrant Whale” destroy his “Tyrant Dragon”!


“Tyrant Dragon” was destroyed.




Jason: Now that my monster has finally destroyed one of yours his effect activates!


Kyle & Will: What!?


Jason: You lose life points equal to the destroyed monster’s original attack points!


Kyle: No!




Jason: Why don’t you just give up!


Kyle: No way, this is fun!


Jason: What?


Kyle: My turn, Draw!


Kyle smirked.


Kyle: I knew I could beat you.


Jason: What are you talking about?


Kyle: This, my “Dragonic Fusion” Spell Card!


Jason: What does that do?


Kyle: I pay half of my Life Points to select a Dragon type fusion monster, then I remove from play the required fusion material monsters and summon it!


Jason: What could you possibly summon?


Kyle: You’ll see. I remove from play “Red Eyes B. Dragon” and “Meteor Dragon” to summon the most powerful dragon I have!


Jason: What!? I though “Tyrant Dragon” was your most powerful card!?


Kyle: Nope, he’s just 1 of my bests. Now come forth “Meteor B. Dragon” (ATK/3500)!


Jason: (NO! I don’t have a card that can stand up to that! I wasted all of my spell cards on that damn “Tyrant Dragon” of his)


Kyle: Now I equip my dragon with “Molten Claws” which increase his attack power even further! By 1000 to be exact! So now my monster has 4500 points!


Jason: No way!


Kyle: Now “Meteor B. Dragon” attack! MOLTEN METEOR FIRE BALL!


Jason lost 1600 Life Points.




Kyle: And here is the best part. If the equip monster was a dragon, you take damage equal to your monster’s original attack points!


Jason: NO!


Jason’s Life points dropped to 0.




Jason: I can’t lose! (I‘ve let him down.)




Jason: What do you plan on doing?


Nate: Once you lose, they take away your duel disk so you can’t duel any more. I won’t you to beat that loser, and give me his duel disk.


Jason: But you’ll still need color cards?


Nate: Pssh! I’ll just beat another loser and take his cards. They won’t even know I never had any.




Jason: Our plan failed, and I lost to some amateur.


Will: Good job Kyle! I told you you’d be fine.


Kyle: Yeah, I guess. That last draw was luckier than lucky though. Oh! Jason you owe me 1 color card.


Jason: Yeah.


Jason stood up with a displeased look on his face. He walked over to Kyle and pulled out his card.


Jason: Here!


Kyle took the card.


Kyle: Thanks. Why don’t we duel again sometime?


Jason turned around, and began to walk away.


Jason: You won’t see me a lot anymore.


Kyle: Well if I don’t see you again, then take this with you.


Kyle pulled out the “Aqua Kraking” card.


Kyle: I won’t you to have this card.


Jason looked at it confused.


Jason: I don’t think I’ll need it.


Kyle: I’m sure you will. Take it, that way incase we duel again you can use it against me.


Jason smiled and took the card.


Jason: We will meet again, Kyle, I promise.


And with that Jason left the room. Kyle and Will remained in the room for a while. Kyle began to give a small chuckle.


Kyle: Alright, I’ll take “Black Fire Dragon” now.


Will: What?


Kyle: I just beat the state’s second best. I think I’ve earned it now.


Will smiled.


Will: Alright, here you go.


Will handed Kyle the card, and Kyle took it.


Kyle: Wow! I feel so much different now.


Will: What do you mean?


Kyle: I don’t know? I have that prideful feeling like when someone picks you first to be on their team.


Will: That’s how I felt when I was given Almighty.


Kyle: Do you think it means something?


Will: I think it means that you were meant to be with that card.


Kyle: Hmm…Cool. How many people can say that they’ve had an inanimate object choose them to be it’s master.


Will: Both of us.


Will and Kyle both returned to the top of the boat to look for their friends. Will spotted Tim, and they headed that way.


Tim: How’d he do?


Will: He won.


Tim: Well congrats Kyle!


Kyle: I didn’t even use the “Black Fire Dragon”, but now I will.


Will: Hey Tim,


Tim: Yeah, little bro?


Will: Do you ever feel like you’re attached to your cards, or like you are meant to be with a card?


Tim: I think some duelists feel that bond when they receive a special card.


Will: I think that too. Hey where are Beth and Matt?


Kyle: Yeah, where are those two?


Tim: They went to watch some other duels to see your competition.


Kyle: They won’t stand a chance!


Meanwhile, Bethune sits in his cabin looking at a piece of paper that has seven strange markings on them.


Bethune: Perfect. Three of them are here, and so is the harvester. My plan is going according to plan.


To Be Continued….


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... so how DO Scion Monsters work? I don't quite understand...



Scion Monsters go in the Extra Deck, and they can only be summoned by the Trap Card "Sacred Seal of Summoning". In the Scion Monster's Card Text it will have requirements, EX: 1 DARK Fairy-type monster + 1 LIGHT Fairy-type monster. That means you tribute monsters that fulfill these requirements and then you can summon the Scion Monster.

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[spoiler=Chapter 6][align=center]Chapter 6

Invincible Warriors!

The Cheating Duo!



Bethune walked out of his cabin, and moved to the top deck. As he walked out, he was confronted by two of the security guards on the boat. They both had Nate and Jason with them.


Bethune: What do you two want.


Guard 1: We caught these two trying to sneak into the room where we keep the duel disks of the losers.


Bethune: Are you trying to keep dueling?


Nate looked up at Bethune.


Nate: Yeah! We want to keep dueling!


Jason: We deserve to win! We both lost to two amateur duelists!


Bethune: Well if two amateurs beat you, maybe they are the professionals and you are the amateurs!


Bethune gave the guards a signal, and they nodded. The two guards took Nate and Jason to the side of the boat, and tossed them off the side. Both Nate and Jason got up onto shore, and looked at each other.


Nate: He can’t do that to us!


Jason: You idiot Nate! He just did!


Nate stood up and yelled back to the boat.


Nate: Can we at least have our duel disks back!?


Suddenly two duel disks were thrown over the side onto the shore.


Jason: This sucks!


Nate: It doesn’t get more embarrassing than this.


Meanwhile back at the boat, Will and Kyle were talking about Kyle’s new “Black Fire Dragon”.


Kyle: I don’t know? I think this card might be better than Almighty.


Will: No way! My card is far better than that thing.


Kyle: Why don’t we put it to the test?


Will: We’ll do that in the finals.


Izi: Did I just here you guys say you’ll make it to the finals?


Izi and Morgan began to walk towards them.]


Morgan: You guys’ll have to beat us before you make it to the finals.


Kyle: HA! I can do that. I just beat Jason Augsburger, the second placemen in the state tournament.


Izi: So? Will beat Nate Augustine, first placement of the state tournament.


Kyle: So what I’m still gonna get to the finals! I just beat my first opponent without using this card!


Kyle held up the “Black Fire Dragon”. Both of the girls seemed very impressed.


Morgan: Wow! Not a bad card.


Izi: It’s hard to believe someone like you could have a card like that.


Kyle: Hey! Will gave me this card!


Izi: Really?


Will: It’s true. He said he wanted to earn in it, so when he won that duel I gave it to him.


Morgan: Why don’t we duel right now to see what you’ve got Kyle?


Kyle: NO!


Will: We’ll duel later.


Izi: Alright fine. Hey do you guys know who Logan Dewisplare and Tyler Charron are?


Will: No? Why?


Morgan: Because they’re two cheaters that’s why!


Kyle: Really?


Izi: Yeah. And they don’t even act like it.


Morgan: They both go around flaunting like they’re hot stuff.


Kyle: Well what do you want us to do?


Izi: Duel them.


Morgan: And win!


Will: How do we know they won’t cheat on us?


Izi: It doesn’t matter. These two aren’t very good, but they marked their cards to know exactly what they’ll draw.


Kyle: Well that’s not bad.


Will: Alright girls, we’ll take these two losers down for you.


Izi & Morgan: Thanks.


Will and Kyle headed down to the bow of the boat, where Izi and Morgan said Logan and Tyler were. When they got up there Logan just won his second duel.


Logan: HAHAHA! These guys are so weak it’s not even funny.


Will: Really now?


Logan and Tyler looked over at Will and Kyle.


Logan: Who are you two?


Kyle: We’re the ones who are gonna knock you on your sorry asses for cheating!


Tyler: Uh-Oh. Look out Logan, they think they can beat us.


Logan: HAHA! No body can beat us! We always win! You all suck! We are the absolute best of the best! Why don’t you go suck somewhere else!


Will: Why don’t you shut your ugly face and duel me!


There was a long pause.


Logan: What did you say to me? Nobody talks to me that way!!


Will: Well let’s see if you’re as good as you think you are.


Will got his duel disk ready.


Kyle: Yeah! And you little dude! Get over here so I can beat you!


Will looked over at Kyle, and through him a card.


Will: We forgot to put that in your deck.


Kyle looked at the card. It was “Sacred Seal of Summoning”.


Kyle: Oh! Good thing you remembered. That would’ve sucked!


Logan: Whatever! Let’s get this on!


Logan & Will: DUEL!!





Kyle & Tyler: DUEL!!





Logan: I’ll go first, Draw! I summon “Silver Fang” in attack mode (ATK/1200)! Go!


Will: Somebody is a little impatient, Draw! I summon “Command Angel” (ATK/1200)!


Logan: Ha! Pathetic! Both of our monsters are the same in power!


Will: Actually, my monster increases all fairy monster’s strength by 400, and my angel is a fairy so his attack is now 1600!


Logan: What!


Will: Now “Command Angel” attack!


Logan lost 400 Life Points.




Kyle: Good job Will!


Tyler: Hey keep your eye on our duel! Draw! I summon “Hoshiningen” (ATK/500)! And due to his effect all light monsters gain 500 points.


“Hoshiningen’s” New ATK is 1000.


Tyler: Go!


Kyle: You guys are said to be good? Draw! I summon “Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV.4” (ATK/1600)! Now attack!


Tyler’s monster was destroyed, and he lost 600 Life Points.




Kyle: These guys are easy. How could these guys have beaten anyone? I end my turn, which means my LV.4 dragon grows to LV.6 (ATK/2400)!


Tyler: You’re just getting lucky!


Will: Maybe you guys are just bad?


Logan: Shut up! Draw! I summon another “Silver Fang” (ATK/1200) but this time I’ll boost it with “Wild Nature’s Release”! This’ll add the defense of my monster to it’s attack making it’s new power 2000! Attack!


Will’s “Command Angel” was destroyed, and Will lost his first 400 Life Points.




Will: You done?


Logan: No! I place this card face down and end my turn!


Logan’s “Silver Fang” was destroyed.


Will: Alright, my turn. Draw! I activate “Monster Reborn”!


Logan: What?


Will: Now come back “Command Angel”!


“Command Angel” returned with it’s boosted ATK.


Will: Now I’ll summon “Shining Angel” (ATK/1400)! And thanks to the effect of “Command Angel” my monster’s attack is 1800!


Logan: No way!


Will: Alright, “Command Angel” and “Shining Angel” attack!


Logan go struck with 3400 points of direct damage.




Logan: Damn!


Kyle: That’s pathetic.


Tyler: You be quiet! Draw! I activate “Monster Reborn” to summon back “Hoshiningen” (ATK/500)! And thanks to his boost its now 1000, but I’m not done because I activate “Inferno Reckless Summon”! This allows me to summon all my “Hoshiningen”!


2 more “Hoshiningen” Spawned onto the field. Their new ATK is 2000.


Kyle: Don’t forget I can summon all of the monsters with the same name too, so come on out another “Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV.6” (ATK/2400)!


Tyler: Oh well. I play 1 card face down and end my turn.


Kyle: Alright, Draw! Now my dragons’ll attack you!


Tyler: Not so fast! I activate “Tribute Barrier”! Now I can tribute 1 of my monsters and negate your attack!


Kyle: Okay. I place 3 cards face down and end my turn.


Logan: Listen here you punk I’m gonna wipe you clean! Draw!


Logan began to laugh.


Will: What could you possibly be laughing at?


Kyle: The fact that he’s gonna lose.


Logan: Oh you guys suck so much, you didn’t even see this coming!


Will: What are you talking about?


Logan: I remove both of my “Silver Fangs” from play to summon “Bloody Fang” (ATK/2500)!


Will: So what? A monster with 2500 attack points?


Logan: You’ll see! “Bloody Fang” attack his “Command Angel”!


Will lost 900 Life Points, and his “Shining Angel’s” ATK reduced back to 1400.


Logan: And when my monster destroys 1 of yours you lose 300 Life points equal to the destroyed monster’s level!


Will lost an additional 900 Life Points




Logan: HAHA! Alright go.


Will: Alright, Draw! I activate “Double Greed”! This allows me to draw 2 cards, then you get 2 greed tokens. Now I Special Summon “Shadowmancer” (ATK/2200). Now I place 3 cards face down. I end my turn.


Tyler: Okay! Draw! You’re kidding!


Kyle: What? You realized that you’re not good?


Tyler: No! I’ve just won! I tribute my 2 “Hoshiningens” to summon “Cosmo Queen” (ATK/2900)! But I’m not done, because I activate “Cosmo Throne”!


Kyle: What?


Tyler: I can tribute my “Cosmo Queen” to summon my most powerful monster! Come forth “Cosmos King” (ATK/3000)! And the best part is he gains 100 attack points for every card in my graveyard, and I count 6!


“Cosmos King’s” ATK increased to 3600.


Tyler: Now attack!


Kyle: I activate “Negate Attack”!


Tyler: Oh well. That’s 1 turn.


Logan: Alright, Draw! “Bloody Fang” attack!


Will: Not so fast! I activate “Rainbow Gate”!


Logan: What?


Will: This’ll negate the attack on 1 of my fairy monsters, then the attacking monsters points are reduced to 0 until my end phase!


Logan: No! Well I play 1 card face down and end my turn!


Will: Good, because this duel ends now! Due to “Rainbow Gate’s” effect I now take 2500 points of damage, because of your monster’s strength, and you gain 1000 life points





Logan: Do you suck that bad that you have to help me?


Will: Actually this is were the duel ends. Go “Sacred Seal of Summoning”! I tribute “Shining Angel” and “Shadowmancer” to summon my ultimate monster, From the Utopia above comes a new form of justice, Scion Summon! “Almighty, The Divine Emperor” (ATK/2500)!


Logan: Wh-What!!?


Will: You’re finished! Now Almighty use your effect, take over “Bloody Fang’s” effect! Now when my monster destroys yours you take damage equal to it’s level times 300!


Logan: So! I still have more life points due to your “Rainbow Gate”!


Will grinned.


Will: That’s why you’ll lose.


Logan: What?


Will: I activate “Super Critical”! Now, since your life points are 2000 points higher than mine, my Divine Emperor’s strength is doubled!


Logan: I-Impossible!


Will: This duel is over! Almighty, HEAVEN’S WRATH!


“Almighty, the Divine Emperor” shot out a white blast of light, and destroyed “Bloody Fang” and took out 5000 of Logan’s Life Points.




Will: Now due to my monster’s new effect you take 2400 extra points of damage. I believe I won.


Logan’s Life Points dropped to 0




Tyler: My turn, Draw! “Cosmos King” attack!


Kyle: Not so fast! I activate “Dragonic Counter Strike”! Now I can tribute 1 of my dragons to negate your attack, and inflict damage equal to the tributed monster’s power! I’m sorry Horus.


“Horus, The Black Flame Dragon LV.6” was tributed, and Tyler lost 2400 points of damage.


Tyler: Alright go!


Kyle: Good, Draw!


Kyle smiled.


Kyle: Your done. I summon “Infernal Dragon” (ATK/2000)! But I’m not done because I activate “Sacred Seal of Summoning”! I tribute my Dark “Infernal Dragon” and my Fire dragon Horus! Power of courage gives one power to continue! Scion Summon! “Black Fire Dragon” (ATK/2400)!


Tyler: So what?


Will: Good job Kyle! Now destroy him with that card!


Kyle: Right! I activate “Monster Reborn”! Bringing back “Horus, the Black Flame Dragon LV.6”! Now I discard “Tyrant Dragon” from my hand to activate my Black Dragon’s effect!


Tyler: What!?


Kyle: I get to destroy 1 of your monsters, then my monster gains power equal to half of the discarded monster’s strength!


“Black Fire Dragon’s” ATK increased to 3850.


Kyle: “Black Fire Dragon” and Horus attack!


Tyler took 6250 points of damage.


Kyle: But I’m not done, because I activate “Dragon Fire Blast”! I can tribute 1 fire dragon to inflict damage equal to it’s attack power!


Tyler: Wh-What!


Kyle: GO! “Black Fire Dragon” end him!


“Black Fire Dragon” was destroyed and Tyler’s Life points dropped to 0.




Logan: How could we lose!!!


Will: Because cheaters don’t win.


Kyle: Yeah! Now hand over your color cards!


Logan: Fine!


Logan and Tyler handed over their cards.


Will: Now get out of here!


Both Logan and Tyler grabbed their things and went to the bottom deck. As they did Izi, and Morgan walked up.


Izi: Wow! They weren’t all that good.


Morgan: I know.


Will: Now we both have four color cards.


Kyle: Yeah we can both enter the finals!


Izi: No! You enter the semi-finals!


Matt: Did you say you entered the finals!?


Matt, Beth, and Tim ran to them.


Kyle: Yup! Four color cards.


Beth: Wow!


Tim: Those were two great duels you guys. Kyle I can see you really think when you duel.


Kyle: I did have an awesome teacher.


Will: Thanks Kyle.


But all Will could think of is why Bethune wanted him to enter this tournament, and why he wanted him to win so badly.


To Be Continued…


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest TheFinalFan

Quite intriguing. I think you might be onto something, just a couple words of advice:

1. Knowing what the custom cards mean is very helpful.

2. Have a friend proofread, otherwise your fans will do that for you, and having that happen is never fun.

3. Never assume that your readers know everything. Include some reference material.

Thank you for your time, and check out my works.


P.S. You mentioned reps?

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Quite intriguing. I think you might be onto something' date=' just a couple words of advice:

1. Knowing what the custom cards mean is very helpful.

2. Have a friend proofread, otherwise your fans will do that for you, and having that happen is never fun.

3. Never assume that your readers know everything. Include some reference material.

Thank you for your time, and check out my works.


P.S. You mentioned reps?



The rep was for the first person to read and comment

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To Everybody who actually reads my fic (I'm guessing maybe 5-9):


I'm sorry that there has been a huge gap between chapters, but I assure you that chapter 7 will be up soon, along with all the other chapters of the first season. I've been really busy, and I've been procrastinating a lot, but I'm going to batch them very fast. So to all fans expect chapters 7 and 8 up late tommorow.

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