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Question answered {LOCK THIS NAO!!!} lol

Enma Ai


First of all, this is NOT a thread about why he was banned!


Okay, so I was looking at Bloodrun's profile and i notice that he is 6 stars, he is a mod so he is supposed to have 5, so i looked at the Forum Team and i noticed that he is no longer a moderator, and is not a super moderator. Now he should be a former mod, why isnt he on the "Former Moderator" list?


tl;dr: Bloodrun isnt a mod anymore and he is not on the former mod list, Why?



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12 answers to this question

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When you are demoted, your usergroup is changed to former mod. However, when you are banned, your usergroup is changed to banned. Since he is banned, he can't be in the former mod usergroup, and once he is unbanned, he will be added.

imo, I'm glad he got demoted :/

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1. You didn't offend me, you annoyed me <.<


2. Next time be more clear about what you are saying.


3. Apology accepted...


@Zen: Yeah, me too, and thanks for clearing that up for me, this can be locked now.



EDIT: demented deleted his post, But since i already read his post, thanks demented!

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i already said this


First of all' date=' this is NOT a thread about why he was banned![/quote']


I just want to know why he isnt on the former mod list.



@Neilsweaky: Why do you care? the only way you could have found out why he was banned is if you asked someone, so by saying "Why do you care" you also have criticized yourself. Also, i feel like reporting you for being ignorant and semi-spamming. If I see another post like that from you I will report you. You also didn't answer my question.

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