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lolhero Deck w/Magic Cylinderz!! {Earthbound Toolbox}

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Lol I'm sure the title won't work and bring a lot of viewers, but whatever. I had a convo with Akira on MSN and he gave me an idea of an Earthbound Toolbox, so I'm trying it.


Monsters [20]


Earthbound Immortal - Uru [3]

Earthbound Immortal - Aslla Piscu [1]

Earthbound Immortal - Cusillu [1]

Earthbound Immortal - Ccarayhua [1]

Earthbound Immortal - Ccapac Apu [1]


Zombie Master [3]

Armageddon Knight [3]

Goblin Zombie [2]

Hardened Armoured Dragon [2]

Plaguespreader Zombie [1]

Mezuki [1]

Breaker the Magical Warrior [1]


Spells [15]


Zombie World [3]

Book of Life [3] (Is this semi-limited?)

Foolish Burial [2]

Cold Wave [2]

Masoleum of the Emperor [1]

Monster Reborn [1]

Giant Trunade [1]

Brain Control [1]

Mystical Space Typhoon [1]


Traps [5]


Solemn Judgment [3]

Mirror Force [1]

Torrential Tribute [1]


Extra Deck [15]


Generic Synchros [14]

Gladiator Beast Gyzarus [1]


~The point of the Deck - if I understood Akira correctly - is to have a variety of Earthbound Immortals to use.


~I'm going to test Hardened Armoured Dragon, and if it doesn't work I'll take it out, so please don't suggest taking it out.

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Zombie World will prevent the Tribute Summons of your Earthbound Immortals. It won't prevent Tribute Sets, though. I do like this idea. I could see it working. I just feel as though Black Garden would be a better field for Earthbound Immortals (or at least Aslla Piscu), but that doesn't fit the theme of the deck. It's good though. I give it 8/10. Also, Book of Life is at 3. Also, what happened to the killer whale Earthbound Immortal, Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua?

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Zombie World will prevent the Tribute Summons of your Earthbound Immortals. It won't prevent Tribute Sets' date=' though. I do like this idea. I could see it working. I just feel as though Black Garden would be a better field for Earthbound Immortals (or at least Aslla Piscu), but that doesn't fit the theme of the deck. It's good though. I give it 8/10. Also, Book of Life is at 3. Also, what happened to the killer whale Earthbound Immortal, Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua?



The point is to Special Summon them using Book of Life or Mezuki.




Thanks for the assistance.

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Book of Life is not LOL-Semi'd. What gave you that idea?


I'm not sure' date=' really.


I would probably replace Earthbound Immortal Ccapac Apu, with Earthbound Immortal Chacu Challhua IMO


Is that the Whale with a really bad effect?

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