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amazing duty dimension cat synchro

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a.d.d.c. synchro for short


20| Monsters


2| D.D.M. - Different Dimension Master - a new way to abuse kitty

1| Chaos Sorcerer


2| Summoner Monk

3| Mystic Tomato

1| Sangan

2| Rescue Cat

3| X-Saber Airbellum

2| Sea Koala

2| Neo-Spacian Dark Panther

2| Wolf


15| Spells


3| Symbols of Duty

3| D.D.R. - Different Dimension Reincarnation

2| Allure of Darkness

1| Brain Control

3| Pot of Avarice

1| Monster Reborn

1| Heavy Storm

1| Mystical Space Typhoon


6| Traps


1| Return From The Different Dimension

1| Crush Card Virus

2| Limit Reverse

2| Bottomless Trap Hole


15| Extra Deck


1| Power Tool Dragon

1| Naturia Beast

1| Naturia Balkion

2| Dark Strike Fighter

1| Naturia Balkion

1| Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

1| Goyo Guardian

1| Colossal Fighter

1| Ally of Justice - Catastor

1| Black Rose Dragon

1| Arcanite Magician

1| Stardust Dragon

1| Mist Wurm

1| Thought Ruler Archfiend

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