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Yugioh 5D's: Legendary Forces


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Zander: "Then I'll activate Rageki Break!"


Ryko is shocked by lightning and blows up


Zander: "I discarded Danylion, so I get two Fluff Tokens! Then I'll summon Luster Dragon, and tune Krebons, Luster Dragon, and the Fluff Tokens to Synchro Summon Two-Headed Dragon of the Overworld!"


Two-Headed Dragon of the Overworld





1 Tuner monster + 1 or non-Tuner monster(s)

When this card destroys an opponent's monster, you may add 1 Spell Card from your Graveyard to your hand. If you inflicts 1500 pointa of damage or more in 1 attack, you may Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower monster from your Graveyard.

2800 ATK / 2000 DEF


Zander: "Now, I'll Attack Naumi!"

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Yuki then Said "I Flip My Other Trap 'Crimson Revenger' which Doubles the ATK of your Monster and Forces it to attack Directly" at which The 2 Headed Dragon Catches Fire and Charges Straight for Yuki, Inflicting 5600 Damage to Yuki, Then Her Life Points Go down by another 1000 "Then I Pay another 1000 Life Points and I Special summon any number of Monsters from My deck whose Combined ATK is up to the Damage I took, And if i still have any amount of Damage Left from this, I can give it as ATK to a monster I Control, I'll Special Summon 'Scarlet Ascendance - Crimson Scholar' (ATK: 1900) and 'Messenger of The End' (ATK: 2800) and Give the Rest to The Scholar, and Due to Scholar's Effect, I can Draw 2 cards, and due to 'Messenger of the end's' Effect, I Gain 2000 Life Points"


[spoiler=Crimson Revenger]57250.jpg



[spoiler=Scarlet Ascendance - Crimson Scholar]

Scarlet Ascendance - Crimson Scholar


When This card's ATK is Increased by the effect of a Trap Card, Draw 2 cards, Once during your Main phase, You can Increase the ATK of one other "Scarlet" or Plague Monster by 1000, At the Start of the Battle Phase, You can add 1 Spell Card from your Deck to your hand, If you Do, Your Battle Phase Ends Immediately



[spoiler=Messenger of the end]

Messenger of the end


Once per Turn, You can Decrease this card's ATK by 400 to Gain 1500 Life Points, If this card is Special Summoned, You gain 2000 Life Points



LP: 3400

Hand: 3 Cards


MCZ1-2: Naumi (DEF: 0)

MCZ3: Scarlet Ascendance - Crimson Scholar (ATK: 2800)

MCZ4: Messenger of the End (ATK 2800)



STCZ1-5: N/A

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Zander: "Unfortunately for you, Two-Headed here just inflicted over 1500 points, so I can Special Summon a level 4 or lower monster from my Graveyard! I choose Tune-Up Dragonoid, the card i discarded for Rageki Break! I'll play him in Defense Mode and end!"






LP: 8000


Hand: 0


MCZ1: Two-Headed Dragon of the Overworld (ATK=2800)

MCZ2: Tune-Up Dragonoid (DEF=2000)

MCZ3-5: N/A

STCZ1-5: N/A

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Yuki Draws her Card, when Suddenly a Pain had Hit her in the Arm, She looked at The card she had Drawn and Smiled, and Said "I'll Summon 'Death Whisper - Black Whisper Beast', Then I'll Immediately Tribute him to Special Summon 'Aiur - Lord of the 7th Hell of the End'!" at which A Pitch Black Beast Appeared, but Burst in Flames, and in it's Place, a Scrawny looking Demon appeared, "I'll then Activate Scholar's effect after Entering the Battle Phase, By Ending the Battle Phase, I can Add 1 spell card from My Deck to my Hand, A Face-down and I End





MCZ1-2: Naumi (DEF: 0)

MCZ3: Scarlet Ascendance - Crimson Scholar (ATK: 2800)

MCZ4: Messenger of the End (ATK 2800)

MCZ5: Aiur (DEF: 2900)



STCZ2-5: N/A

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One of the Cats Shatter and a Dark fog wraps around The 2 headed Dragon, and Yuki says "Since Naumi is Destroyed, She Equips onto Your 2-Headed Dragon, While Equipped, The Equipped Monster Cannot Inflict Battle Damage or Destroy Monsters as a result of Battle......"


MCZ1: Naumi (DEF: 0)


MCZ3: Scarlet Ascendance - Crimson Scholar (ATK: 2800)

MCZ4: Messenger of the End (ATK 2800)

MCZ5: Aiur (DEF: 2900)



STCZ2: Naumi (Equipped to Two-headed Overworld Dragon)

STCZ3-5: N/A

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(> There are 3 Naumis, One that was Discarded for a spell(Which will Activate if sent to the Grave in any way, Like Dandylion) and 2 more that was Special Summoned by the effect of that same Spell, Naumi #1 Got Discarded for the Spell, which It's Effect Activates there and Equips to Krebons, Then the Spell Resolves, Special Summoning Naumis #2, and #3, one thing that balances Naumi is that she cannot be Tributed or used as a Synchro Material (Which in turn causes her effect to be a lot slower), The other thing that Balances it is that if she is MSTed or something to that nature, She stays in the grave <)

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Yuki Draws, A Massive Pain had hit her Arm again, She looked at the card she had drawn, She had thought 'i'll have to drop Novim on him later.... Or maybe......' Then she Said "I'll Activate My Face-down..... Twin Whispering Seals! Which Allows Me to Negate the Effects of 2 Monsters I control, Then I can Draw 1 card, I'll Negate Naumi and Aiur" and she Draws a Card "Then I'll Summon Yata-Hellbird and Tune Him to Aiur and Naumi(Which Her effect Will not go off) to Synchro Summon 'Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria', I'll use Scholar's effect on Yata-Aluria, Then I'll Tribute all of My Monsters To Special Summon 'Novim - Lord of the 9th Hell of the End'..." at which the 3 Monsters that Yuki Had Disappeared and In it's Place A Demon Covered in an Aura of Darkness, and a Very Strong one at that........"


[spoiler=Novim(A Little Warning, He is Stupidly Powerful.... But.....)]57250.jpg

Lets see if you can find his weakness



MCZ1: Novim (ATK: 12650)







STCZ2: Naumi (Equipped to Two-headed Overworld Dragon)

STCZ3-5: N/A

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The Attack Had Hit Novim, but for Some Reason, 'Death Whisper King - Yata-Aluria' appeared in Novim's Place after the Dust Settled, Yuki then Said "I Activate the Effect 'The Scarlet Gatekeeper' By Discarding it when One of my Monsters are destroyed as a result of Battle, I can Special Summon 1 Monster from My Graveyard that is the Same Level as the Destroyed Monster"


MCZ1: DWK - Yata-Aluria (ATK: 5850, DEF: 3270)





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Woah, timeout. That much ATk is ovrepowered. Extremely broken card.




Zander: "Because Two-Headed here destroyed a monster, I can a Spell from my Graveyard to my hand."


Zander: "Now I play Future Fusion! I'll send Forbidden Dragon, Exodria and Red Eyes B. Dragon to Special Summon Exodria, Ultimate Form! I have Tune-Up Dragon with 1000, and Two-Headed with 2800, so Exodria gains 3800 ATK!"




Zander: "End!"



LP: 8000


Hand: 0


MCZ1: Two-Headed Dragon of the Overworld (ATK 2800/DEF 2000)

MCZ2: Tune-Up Dragon (DEF 2000/ATK 1000)

MCZ3: Exodria, Ultimate Form (ATK 3800/DEF 0)

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(> Actually, Remember Naumi? Death Whisper Monsters that has a too high of an ATK for their Level or a Broken effect are often Plague Monsters and cannot Inflict Damage or Destroy Monsters <)


"Draw!" when She Drawn her card Her Arm Felt too much Pain, and She said "Gyahh!", She looked at Her Hand, She set 2 cards Facedown and Said "Your Go..."

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