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Yugioh 5D's: Legendary Forces


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"I'm not finished with you yet", I placed a card face-up, "I activate the field spell Crimson Skies!" When I activated the card the entire field changed, we were now floating in space with planets and a giant, crimson dust cloud, "now all fire and dark monsters on the field gain 500 extra attack and deffence points. Also, all light monsters on the field are destroyed, not that there are any, and none can be summoned. Now my hound's up to 1850 attack power and 1800 defence power", I smirked, "I end my turn at that."



this is my stats


hand: 2

s/t: 2(swords 2 turns left, & crimson skies)

monsters: 1(hound)

LP: 3300

[spoiler=the card] 160496.jpg


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"I draw!" Kaisu grinned. "Activate trap card! Call of the huanted!" The dragon rose again. "Armed Dragon LVL10! COme on out!" The dragon grew into it's final stage. ATK-3000 "Now I'll use it's effect!" He put Level Up! into the graveyard, and the hound was destroyed.



HAND-Level Up! (Shown due to effect of Magican of Faith)




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May i join?




Bio:I used to be a total Human all normal and careless. until i had to sell my soul to save my girlfriend's life. Now i am Half-Human Half-Demon and i Work for the one and only Grim Reaper

Deck:Demon Dragons

Side: Evil


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"Right", I drew, "I activate Arctic Medicine and select your Armed Dragon!!" His dragon disentagrated and I gained 3000 LP. "Hmph, so easy, now I set a card and end my turn."




hand: 1

s/t: 3(swords 1 turns left, crimson skies, & a face-down)

monsters: 1(hound)

LP: 6300


[spoiler=the card] 160496.jpg


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ooc: sorry if they are



"Pathetic", I drew, "I summon Penquin and activate the spell Melevolant Nuzzler." The penguins attack shot up from 800 to 1500, I pointed at Kaisu, "attack him directly my friend." The penguin slid over to him and headbutted, "there's 1500 points gone." The penguin came back, "now hound, attack", the dog ran over and bit him on the arm. "That's 1850 more down. Your move."



[spoiler=the card] 160496zqr.jpg


melevolant nuzzler's real and boosts attack by 700.



hand: 1

monster: 2(penguin & hound)

s/t: 2(crimson skies + face-down)

LP: 6300



new LP: 550(correct if wrong)

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