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Toon Mermaid

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned while "Toon World" is on your side of the field. You can Special Summon this monster from your hand' date=' but Tributes are requires for monster Level 5 or more. This card cannot attack in the same turn it is Summoned. Unless you pay 500 Life Points, this monster cannot attack. When "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If a face-up Toon Monster is on your opponent's side of the field, you must select the Toon Monster as an attack target.[/quote']


It's right on the F***ing card. The people at that tournament are horrible at reading.

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned while "Toon World" is on your side of the field. You can Special Summon this monster from your hand' date=' but Tributes are requires for monster Level 5 or more. This card cannot attack in the same turn it is Summoned. Unless you pay 500 Life Points, this monster cannot attack. When "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If a face-up Toon Monster is on your opponent's side of the field, you must select the Toon Monster as an attack target.[/quote']


It's right on the F***ing card. The people at that tournament are horrible at reading.


They read it and still didn't believe it...

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This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned while "Toon World" is on your side of the field. You can Special Summon this monster from your hand' date=' but Tributes are requires for monster Level 5 or more. This card cannot attack in the same turn it is Summoned. Unless you pay 500 Life Points, this monster cannot attack. When "Toon World" on the field is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon Monster, this card can attack your opponent's Life Points directly. If a face-up Toon Monster is on your opponent's side of the field, you must select the Toon Monster as an attack target.


It's right on the F***ing card. The people at that tournament are horrible at reading.

They read it and still didn't believe it...

So they can't read....not much you can do about that..

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Toon Mermaid is horribly outclassed by Toon Cannon Soldier




Au contrair; if you run it RIGHT, you can run them BOTH.


Toon Mermaid's not meant to be a monster to attack with, it's meant to be used as Tribute fodder -- i.e., SS Mermaid, sac for BETD or Toon Dark Magician Girl, and then raise Cain . . .


. . . or use Toon Mermaids as extra fodder FOR your Toon Cannon Soldier.

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I run Saggi The Dark Clown because it can be Crush Carded.


And that has WHAT to do with Toon Mermaid?



If you meant this as a Take That (Trope Sign: "Take That") to my post' date=' then you ought to quote it. If not, then you're just spamming.


[/quote']Just saying that there are better cards to be run in a Toon deck than Toon Mermaid, the same as saying there are a lot better targets for Crush Card than Saggi the Dark Clown.

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