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Post your best Pkmn-Splices!


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no, dosn't make since... but you're thinking, i like that....


how about, aagron, tyranatar, kangakahn, arbock, ho-oh, nidoking, groudon, duskull, and some one small.... pickachu.


and, i've just thought of a new project today, i am going to make a hollow Ichigo outof pokemon.

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your promised day is here, and it is in your own birth day cake blood! (wait wat?)

nvm, any ways, i have them, my newest recruits, let's start with the not to glamourus ones.


demon bunny!!!!



remeber my funky colored griffen? here's his twin!


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yeah... the head are actually duskulls mask. hte right side, i cut it in half and added a chin, making two then put them together. i hope that they're okay.... you no gave rating...


and i didn't stop at just that, i went further with these three.







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these are decent, no doubut. but the arcanine head is a little too big, and the one on top is too small, jsut by a bit..


8/10 for these.


to wii, the hands are hitmonlee's. i would have given him 5 fingers if i had made them myself.

the coat is obvious, bit the torn bits are part of mightyana.


so what do you rate?

the handels are marowacks club and the rest is edited by me.

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sweet, now for my main event, what i started on in the first place.


let me explain, i got an idea one day taht all of the little pokemon are usually weak, until they evolve. but why? in shows and animes it's always a little guy who kicks the most ass. kidd buu, captain hitsugaia, lucimon. so, ig ot the thinking, why don't i just, tweak them to make them stronger? and so i have. i have made the seven elemental children, and here is the first.


my child of fire!



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