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The Globex Corporation oOoThe Wonders Of Modern Technology oOo [PG-13, RP]


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Full Name: Sho Okayasu

Age: 48

Gender: Male

Appearance: He is oddly young-looking, in fact, he looks 24, as his body has undergone an odd form of "age-retardation" where he will not age as fast as normal humans... He has silver hair, which is usually in a ponytail. His teeth are unnaturally white and his nose small, but a bit wide. His eyebrows are not heavy, but thin. His lips are also thin and his face is slightly angular, but full, with high cheekbones. His body is lean and slightly muscular and his arms are long, along with his legs.

Personality: He is very insensitive, and does not feel any emotional pain. He is uncaring for other beings and this is what makes him an opponent who cannot be played with on an intellectual level. His mind is always calculating, and because he is so selfish, he does everything for his own benefit, and he cannot believe that any other living being does anything for anyone's good...

Personal History: He grew up an odd child, being extremely sick when he was four, he almost died. Miraculously almost, his body recovered and boosted his metabolism and gave him these odd new features. When he was 14, he went into an odd world of crime, running away from home, stealing from others, and performing robberies where he could not get caught. In a matter of time, someone challenged his intellect, whom he never could trust, an older man who outsmarted him once in a robbery and stole his makings. The man suggested that he go to a school to allow him an opportunity in life. Henceforth, he went into school, looking as if he were only 6, and continued up skipping up to three grades based on intelligence. Graduating, he went to several colleges after, and continued to age slowly. Eventually it led him to have the opportunity to live on another planet. He knew one place he could get into with no effort, a place that would promote his smarts in action and his special abilities. He would join Globex...

Physical Defects: He has generally weak arms. He can't lift more than 100 lbs on his arms. He overworks his body constantly, which overtime, generally weakened his joints. His right arm is actually very sensitive to touch, he can feel the greatest pains and sorts in that arm...

Physical Strengths: His sensitivity in his right arm can allow him to detect vibrations and electrical charges made by movement in the air. He also has a very strong immune system, the last time he was sick being when he was 4. His body also has unnatural endurance.

Sexual Preference: Heterosexual

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