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[LOCK] Digimon: Human Retribution

Legend Zero

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(Kamina wears a cape for casual wear? ...Then again, it IS Tokyo... Shibuya alone has enough crazy fashion for the world round.)


Maero blinked. "No problem." He says with a smile. "I'm pretty new at this, so I probably didn't notice. I just met Tsukaimon about a day ago, and he still seems to know more about it than me...Hey!" He blinked as Tsukaimon rested himself on his head, wings tucked back. The purple digimon smiled. "I carried you in the digital world, you carry me here. Fair is fair."

"...Eh, fine. So yeah, no worries." He said cheerily, following Jacob also. Tsukaimon blinked at Leomon, raising an ear. "Hey Leo, you might want to be a little more innocuous... Me and the others could probably pass as weird pets or fashion accessories, but nobody's going to miss an 8 foot lion."

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"HA! I've Got Kamina On My Back, He'll Think Of Something!" Leomon Replyed Chuckling, Kamina Just Sighing And Tightening His Katana Belt Around His Waist "Yup, I Can Swindle My Way Outta ANYTHING!" He Commented On Himself "Give Me A Thing, I'll Find A Way Out, Like When I Fought With Leomon Against The Tyrannomon, You Just Sat And Watched, I Acctuly Foguht Them!"


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lol a laugh is what i need thanks tsukaimon

and to anser you leomon i was recless and used a virus card on a vacine and gato mon got corupted. i know its you becous ove your leomon and you werethe tallest of us pluss leomon calld salamon a street rat like in the digital worl leomon realy is the one who screwd your cover over XD

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Tsukaimon blinked. "I did not. I was right there in the brawl, likely did more damage than you. You're good with a sword, but you're still human."

Maero paused. "I think he was talking to me, Tsu."

"Why would he do that? I asked the question." He paused, blinked, then shrugged with his ears. "Fair enough. I'd still get a trenchcoat or SOMETHING Leo, you going barechested is going to draw more attention than we want. Even if you could swindle your way out, as you put it, we're going after something that's affecting the digital world, and he'd probably know what it means if a Digimon appears here."

Maero chuckled. "It's Tokyo, Tsu. An 8-foot lion might attract some stares, but honestly, these people are too busy, too tired, and too jaded to the weird to give much of a damn."

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Leomon Growled At Hiku "I've Seen Your Gatomon, She IS A Street Rat, She Basicly Steals What Ever She Sees, EVEN MY PRIZED KATANA! He Said Trying Not To Attack Salamon "Calm down Ya Lunk-Head, You Can Beat Her Once This Is Over, Kay?" Kamina Negotiataed ". . . Fine"


"Now Maero: You May Be Right, But I'm Not From Japan, I'm From The Great U.S of.A! I Don't Know Why I Was Sent Back Here, I Was Only Here Visiting With My Girlfirend. . . AWW CRAP!" Kamin Just Remembered They Had A Date Yesterday And He Missed It Because He Was In The Digital World. "She'll NEVER Belevie Me! And This Was My FINAL Chance. . . " He Added With a Deep Sigh.




"Sorry Guy's I REALY Gotta Run, Maybe She's Still At the Hotel" Kaminia Ran Off in the Diresction Of A Small Town, With Leomon Following Stealthly[/align]

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Maero chuckled. "And I'm Brittish blood, born and raised. Though I've been to Tokyo before. Mainly the Shibuya district, but I've been a little in Shinjuku too." He chuckled slightly. "And sorry about your girlfriend, man. You could always call her from Japan... a foreign caller ID from that far away would probably be proof enough for her."

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Fallen: Well seeing as Jacob is hotel manager what are we waiting for. You guys think i could fit Betamon in a plastic bag and say i won him at a carnival?


Betamon: Haha mr funny guy i told you im no fish.


Fallen: Well seeing as im not from around this part of the world someone needs to tell me where to go.

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"We get to mooch of the rich guy? Sweet. I'm in." Tsukaimon said with a grin. Maero chuckled. "When did you get a say in thi- OW! The hair, the hair!" Maero complained. Tsukaimon smirked. "I've got a say because I've got your wonderfully brown locks in my hair, so don't complain."

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Betamon: You virus types are all the same. Laughing as he speaks


Fallen: Betamon shut up, you know what they love here in Japan?


Betamon: No, what?


Fallen: Sushi. So unless you want to be served with sticky rice with a lot of soy sauce stop flapping your gills cause people are starting to stare.

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Tsukaimon smirked. "Hey, he's my partner. I figure I'm allowed to tell him things not necessarily vocally."

Maero grumbled a bit. "Well, stay away from my hair, then. It takes a while to brush it."

Tsukaimon chuckled, then glanced at Betamon. "Eh, you better hope not. The average virus probably isn't as friendly as I am."

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Fallen: "Well 2 can play at this game". Puts on his head phones and begins listening to the Ramones "Dam ran out of battery. Hey i got an idea." Looking at Betamon "Beta yo think you could give my Ipod a little jolt"


Betamon: OK


Shocks the Ipod and it catches on fire


Fallen: Thanks a lot


Betamon: I just dont know my own strength these days

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OOC: God damnit, I think I'll have to drop out, you're mostly posting during the early mornings or late night and I can't bloody well keep up.


IC: Jason was with his partner, and frowning as he scribled more things into his book. 'I'll accept that offer Jacob, but, how can I hide Ko, a giant blue bug isn't very conspicuous ya know?' Jason said. 'Jason, my champion is technically the size of a broadsword' Ko said. 'What?' 'Yeah, my champion is a lot smaller, it's called BladeKuwagamon, just swipe your little card, and I'll be easily carryable, and much less conspicuous' Ko explained. Jason did so and Ko evolved. He flew through the air and attached to Jason's left arm. 'Less conspicuous, you think an arm mounted blade is less conspicuous?' Jason asked. 'Better than nothing' Ko replied.

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As the group arrives at a street with 2 completed hotels and construction going onward.


"My parents are putting up a chain of hotels. They're empty and nobody goes into the completed ones, we should be fine." From his back pocket Jacob pulls out a key and unlocks the hotel.


"Pick any room you like, although the lights must stay out." He said as he was looking through the front desk.


Agumon: "Jacob...um..."


As he pulls out a piece of papper he shows it to everyone.

"This code will unlock every vending machine. Have fun!"

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Maero blinked. "Uhm...I don't see why not, I suppose." Tsukaimon smirked and chuckled. "Maero, do you have any experience with the opposite sex? Because I'm starting to wonder..." He said, smirking a little bit. "And if you refused, I probably would have pulled your hair again."

Maero blinked again, and shrugged, supposing it wasn't worth it to argue a non-issue with his partner. He glanced at Fallen. "A pool? Doesn't seem like a half-bad idea, actually... My clothes are all gritty from that desert, and it's really hot in that part of the digital world... Don't have a swimming suit with me though, so a shower might do..." He muttered, musing to himself.

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